78th day – The journo, the musician, and the professor

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Moody Monday’s started with my phone resetting it’s service. Buggering up my apps. It was slow and a grind at first. I forgot when my phone bill is paid it resets everything and requires a restart. But then finally a ping.

A lady studying kinesiology aka physiotherapy. She was from Colorado and doesn’t know why physiotherapy has changed it’s name to kinesiology. I honestly don’t know why either?

Honestly the conversation went nowhere, but my next passenger he was extremely interesting. I picked up at the airport and he had just flown in from Arkansas. A consultant and a professor. He is an entrepreneurial professional and he teaches future entrepreneurs to become well entrepreneurs. To my mind think is a little funny, because in my opinion entrepreneurs are usually self made university drop outs. I did pick his brain though and he said if I want to do a clothing line it is competitive, but easy to do. I just need a resellers license and obviously a company who manufacturer my brand. I don’t have the money for that right now, but I am keen to give it a crack.

I dropped him off at the University. He was going to teach a class right after he’d returned from a meeting in Arkansas. Ping! Had to pick an alumni and take him to the airport. The following chap is a journalist turned marketing professional for a university in California. He wasn’t very talkative, but he told me he preferred being creative than reporting on media based stories.

After dropping him off I waited by the airport for one more passenger. Sure enough I got a bloke. A musician. He used to be apart of a rock group called Yamn! Now he gets more money doing instrumental ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC. It’s not as repetitive as some of of the EDM out there. I personally can’t stand it, but I managed to humour the guy. Trance music is also something I can’t handle. When the beat goes on and on and on. Far out Brussel sprout. Change the damn tone! I honestly can’t feel myself go slowly mental when I hear it. It’s crazy. Anyway this guy lived out in the boonies by a lovely creek with an old barn. Very tranquil.

After I dropped him off I went to the casino for a birthday meal. Had to grab it before the end of the month. There I won a travel coffee cup, beach towel, bag, sunglasses, and a DVD. Great finish for the day. Also managed to win fantasy football. Uber 3 trips. Lyft 1 trip. Slow day due to my monthly billing cycle.