It all losing my job as an archaeologist. The stress. The turmoil. My world came tumbling down. I had been doing archaeology for 10 years. 7 years in Australia and 3 in the USA. I had taken a senior archaeology job in Whatcom county. I moved all the way up from San Diego California to get, what I thought was a secure job. A senior role. Then in less than a year. 11 months in fact boom. Job gone. Right before a life changing event. What was I to do? I had no other options.

At the time I couldn’t do anything else except archaeology. No one was hiring. Except one company, but I had to be approved by the Oregon SHPO to get anything. My employment authorization document hadn’t arrived. I was stuck. Until 2 weeks later. My document arrived. I didn’t have to archaeology at all. Uber was something that I thought about doing. How hard is it to just drive someone around? Little did I know the real question was how entertaining it would be? Especially if you’re an Aussie. They say in life everything happens for a reason. Who are they anyway? This happened for a reason and changed my perspective on life immediately.