Day 15

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Today I saw evolution at it’s finest. Or should I say adaptability? Carolyn was in my car, my first passenger and she was in the front seat! Yes a lot of people like to be chauffer driven. As I discovered. … Continued

Day 14

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Slow day on the Uber front but had 5 people in my car. All relatively long trips. First was Rafael a nurse who was on the way to the YMCA. He was a non tipper.Second was Stephanie a life coach that flew in … Continued

Day 13

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Started my Uber evening in Fairdinkumhaven aka called Fairhaven and yep didn’t have to wait long for Christie to ping me. She walked to a house party and wanted to be driven back. Fine by me because I wanted to start my … Continued

Day 12

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Ze Uber Chronicles Continued: The evening started with me giving out cards to certain isolated bars and BP. Both were extremely grateful because taxis appeared to be the bain of their existence. Almost like they despised their outdated trashy ugly … Continued

Update Podcast coming

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So anyone heard of Archaeology Podcast? Chris Webster wants to interview me about my Uber side hustle. Well isn’t that just dandy? Thanks Andrew. Just dropped off some business cards. Already have two customers for late night trips.

Day 11

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The Uber Chronicles continued: Day started slow until Donhyeong wanted an Uber to get to college. I didn’t try pronounce his name. He noticed I was listening to the cricket, then we started conversing about sport. Soccer came up in … Continued

Day 10

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Oh yeah it’s going to be good day. John Wick here I come! Okay it wasn’t Keanu Reeves, but by golly I was hoping. Turns out he came to pick up his brothers car, which was impounded, due to the … Continued

Day 9

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Right, here goes. Driving on the highway looking for the show, okay customer. Was heading to the ever so fruitless airport, when ping! A man named Mohamed needed a lift back up where I came from to the BP refinery. … Continued

Day 7

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As I’m getting close to my 100th trip already here’s the latest. First chap used me twice. Second time he gave me cash in hand. Legend straight off the bat. One trip had five people wanting to venture into my … Continued
