Day 6

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Not a great start to the day got a chip on my windscreen aka windshield from either a bird or another vehicle. Saw the bird flying in circles ahead of me, so I’m getting it fixed for free. Thanks insurance … Continued

Day 5

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Think I need to get some business cards made. Three people have requested me. Especially a pilot named Dwight. Yes Dwight. I thought of TV show The Office. He was quite the opposite of what I expected. Picked up a … Continued

Day 4

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Guy asked me if I was a New Zealander. I said, now I’m going to kick you out. Uber blog day 4. Yes because Thursday I was busy. First lady tipped me in cash because I said how good the … Continued

Day 3

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Bullshit job of the day: Energy consultant that instructs businesses on how to save money by limiting power usage. Guess what? You just need a dad going around to turning the bloody lights off. Driving Uber and being kind to … Continued

Day 2

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Quote of the Morning: “can I detect an accent?” My response: “possibly!” Just calculated that I’m getting tipped 26% on 90% of my trips. That’s kinda cool. Guessing people like Aussies. Should rock up with a giant stuffed kangaroo, hat … Continued

Introduction and Day 1

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G’day All my name is Paul and I’m an archaeologist by trade, but after losing my job I became an Uber driver. It has certainly been one of the most surprising and hilarious experiences of my life. As an archaeologist … Continued