Day 14

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Slow day on the Uber front but had 5 people in my car. All relatively long trips. 
First was Rafael a nurse who was on the way to the YMCA. He was a non tipper.
Second was Stephanie a life coach that flew in from San Diego. I asked her what she did? She mentioned that she goes to different businesses and instructs them how to be better on a personal level. Sounds like BS to me at first, however I said she might be able to assist with my non profit organization idea I have. We discussed new rideshare company Bounce, which she believes is a pyramid scheme where other Bounce drivers ride with Bounce drivers and get money. Anyway must look up pyramid schemes. She explained how it worked, but this was very convoluted. Additionally Bounce has loud music and disco balls. Sounds like a fun driving pyramid. 
Then ping the third! Jonathan he looked and sounded like Hannibal Buress. An American comedian, photo below. I picked him up from Biolife. He donated plasma today. He wanted to be dropped off at the Silver Reef casino. Apparently last week Arsenio Hall was there and I didn’t realize he was the actor from Coming to America. Damn I miss it.
Then silence while I waited at the airport. I waited and waited until the owner of what I thought was the Uber parking area, told me to not park there because of insurance reasons. I said, “but I thought this was the Uber parking area?” Nope. So I shifted to the street, when another car parked in my spot after the owner of the property left. The guy waved at me. He was the competition. Another Uber/Lyft Driver called Dave who kinda looked at Tommy Raudonikis (former rugby league player). He had longer hair though and was American. Anyway he started chatting to me and I said you better not park there or you might get yelled at. Turned out the property is a warehouse for growing marijuana according to Dave. He gave me pointers and said I should join Lyft. Lyft apparently has better surges and better pay. If you only make $5000 in a quarter you pay $0 in tax. Fun fact. Dave mentioned some stuff I already knew like going into the Uber rider app and sussing out where other vehicles are and move away from them. Yeah buddy I knew that. He wants me to join Lyft so he can $50 for referring me. Still don’t want to pay for a business license until I’m ready.
Then ping the 4th. Saiede, an Iranian lady who is studying in her final year of her PhD in psychology. She flew in from Boston to see her family. Now get this! She was going to Peace Arch Park on the border. She can’t leave the country, because she’s on a student visa. Her family is in Canada visiting and can’t enter the USA. So apparently Peace Arch Park is a neutral zone. I said take your paperwork with you. Told her of the horror stories. She was freaking out when got close to her motel which was right next to the border. I told her don’t worry I can’t leave the country either. She thanked me for the advice and getting her their safely. 
Hmmm now the 5th customer. Carl. He flew in from San Diego from his high school of 45 years. We chatted about how my 20 year one was coming up in a few years. I felt old. Then asked why is it 45 years? Why not 10 year? Because you don’t know how many will be alive for the next one. Ah makes sense then. I finally asked what he did for a living? He said he’s retired. I proceeded to ask him what he did before he retired? Border patrol for 23 years. He said he want not want to be doing it now though. Sounds stressful and the press is really awful. I told him about my experiences and others. He wasn’t surprised at all and most border chaps didn’t know the rules unless they were in a senior position. Intriguing. As I dropped him off I realized he lives in a red house and has an Italian flag. No American flag to be seen. I smiled and drove away.
That’s all folks.