Day 15

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Today I saw evolution at it’s finest. Or should I say adaptability? Carolyn was in my car, my first passenger and she was in the front seat! Yes a lot of people like to be chauffer driven. As I discovered. So this was nice and normal for me her in the front seat. We were waiting at the light and a deer buck decided to use the crosswalk aka pedestrian crossing. Yes he looked both ways and then he did the same again to get to the other side. Why did he cross the road? I don’t know. He definitely crossed perfectly and crossed more accordingly than most humans I’ve seen stagger in and around the streets. Perfect L on the zebra crossing. I really wish I’d filmed it because neither of us had seen anything like it. No J walking at all! Still unbelievable. Really couldn’t believe it. 
I hope I see this again. 
Next customer pinged me when I had to go to the loo. Every time! I might have moments of noone and then when I decide to eat or pee. I’ll get someone. Murphy and his law. Seriously. Got Stephanie from Taiwan who flew in a private jet. Yep she was here for 5 days with her colleague. They stopped in Bellingham whilst. Yes whilst! I’m using this word from now on. Anyone who worked at Drayton Archaeology will understand. Anywho her boss was going on a family trip in Alaska. They were here in the US to go to Detroit and discuss business. Car manufacturing. Yep. Maybe a new Tesla on the horizon. We shall see. Steph aka Stephanie needed a lift to the Greyhound bus terminal in Fairdinkumhaven, they were going to Seattle to visit a friend. A bus sounds awful. I hate buses. Either get car sick or have a bad experience happen. Dropped them off and they thanked me. 
Then there was now regular Isabella. I picked her up twice today. I already picked her up last week as well. Think I might just hang out strategically near her house from now on. Okay little creepy, but heck it’s money.
BS job of the day goes to Niaylah. Sleep Technician. Yep she said her job was quiet. I bet. 
Then there was Gregg. He was a real estate agent glued to his phone. He wanted to tell Uber he accidentally locked in a trip before he arrived. I did my best, but Uber said he has to email. I went to tell him when I dropped him off but he was on his phone. Bye Gregg need to go.
Now Brenden a naturopath. I had no idea what that meant so I asked him what his day to day was like. He deals with patients who have erectile dysfunction (don’t laugh Paul, you’rea grown man). He literally said it’s a “hard job”. Okay laugh Paul he cracked a joke. The puns kept coming. This guy was great.
That’s all for today.
