Day 16

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Slowest of the slows. Thinking it was the rain. 
The first gentleman was called Guy he wasn’t that interesting at all, but asked about Ubering. 
Next gent was Hector it was his first time using Uber in his life. Preferred it to a taxi. No surprises there. Taxis are horrendously expensive and not very comfortable. As I drove Hector to the Sheraton to get a lift, he told me that he was getting another lift to Detroit to pick up a truck. Long way to go. Good luck Hector. That’s not a short trip at all. I dropped him off then this lady approached my vehicle and exclaimed oh! You’re an Uber! I replied yes I am, you need one? Yes was the answer. Jen and Doug were a little technologically challenged so I said I’ll take cash for cheap if you want? I asked how much is Uber saying? The response was $7-$9. Is $5 okay for cash? Absolutely Jen said. Cool! We chatted on the way to their destination. They flew in from Iowa to visit their son. After they were offloaded at their destination they wanted a card and my availability. Excellent, more business. 
Waiting at the airport I thought of Dave the other Uber driver. Remembering whathe asked me, “have you had any unicorns yet?” I said “as in long trips?” He said “yes”. I replied “definitely. Where have you been I asked?” “Renton, Washington.” He asked me “where I had been”, I responded with “Pitsburgh, California.” His face was shocked. Guess you can call it a Golden Unicorn. 
Whilst I was waiting at the airport I got an Uber eats ping. Bugger off. I’m not accepting this after waiting at the airport for ages.
Finally I get another ping. He had a short trip. Feel like the Uber eats may have been a better option due to the promotional option going on. Oh well won’t do that again. Can’t remember this fellow. Generic, plain. Trip to short to care.
Dria was my next customer she was not talkative at all. 
Angelica she was a baker. Nickname Jelly. Cracked up. I said working in a bakery would be hard not to sample all your goods. She agreed.
Randy was the next pinger. He went to Australia to meet with clients over some wood. Makes sense there’s a lot of trees here. He pronounced Melbourne terribly. Melboorn instead of Melbun. Shocker.
Mariana. Next customer was a child hearing specialist. She was moving to Arizona. Have fun in the desert.
Mike now what can we say about him? Well first things first he pinged me at the RiteAid. He was going to Ferndale, which is on the way home. He works in a warehouse and he’s also aPinball Wizard! Was tempted to play some Elton John for him, but refrained. He competes in pinball competitions in Bellingham. Didn’t know that was a thing. Mike mentioned something about Twic or Twick? A video he was going to do. 
My ratings went up. Got another sweet review. Wish I knew the names of the people doing the reviews. 
Until Friday. Tomorrow is back to archaeology.
