Day 17

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Last night. Was extremely fruitful Fridays. I had gotten way more than I had ever in Uber. Started off slow and then it turned into a boulder tumbling, full of money. The app failed to work because for some reason the app decided to update itself with a different logo. I had to add my car info and take a selfie to get it working again. Weird. Now I think Russia has my face now. Yes i read about that face app biometric 80 year old dad going around. Almost as good as Area 51. Thinking i might ask people if they’re going to raid Area 51 on the 20th of September.

First customer was Ruben and he was on the phone the whole time. 15 minutes of phoney balogne. When a customer is on the phone it’s hard not to eavesdrop. Key words “I wish I could be there for that slumber party with all you girls there”. “Model shoot”. “How did the interview go?” “Oh my God you need to totally write about it.” The name Ruben reminded me of Uncle Rueben Brown, related to Dean James Brown. An indigenous elder from the Eloura people. Except this guy had long shoulder length black hair, beard, Fabioesk persona, greasy way of talking, that’s honestly the best way I can describe him, I mean his flirty way of talking to to the last on the phone was awkward and to be honest downright creepy. Was happy to drop him off at the Sheraton.

Candace was the next person i picked up from Fairdinkumhaven. She was going waltzing in Bham. Found out she had a friend in Australia marrying a “black person”, then she said “what do you call black people in Australia? Can’t be African Americans could it it?” I raised an eyebrow immediately and thought are you serious right now? I said “what’s their background?” She said “born in Australia”. I said well if their indigenous to Australia it could be traditional owner, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. She commented oh I didn’t think of that. 😒 She works for a prosthetic company in Ferndale. Sounds rewarding.

I went to the airport and proceeded to pick up Renee. She was going to Lummi. Nice. Big fat fare. She was in from Idaho. I said I have a mate that lives out there. Choya. Renee was there for a family reunion. Sounds like a blast. She wasn’t very talkative, but her plane was delayed for an hour from Seattle.

After dropping her off I rolled the dice for one more airport pickup, which can be a bit of a gamble. Then Tu pinged me and cancelled within 2 minutes. Damn! Went back to the airport queue. Didn’t have to wait long when Wesley pinged me. He had to go north, which I thought was annoying because I wanted to go South. Ferndale is almost home for me. Dropped him off then went back south. Then surprisingly another ping at the airport. Blaize! Cool name. He said it was short for Blazerbeam 🤣😂. He was totally Joshing, but liked it. His flight was canceled to Montana. So to the pub he shall go. Dropped him off at a Brewery. He wants to hang out and have a beer one day. Gave him.a car and now I’m off to Fairdinkumhaven. On the way there I saw a man with in AC/DC shirt and trackydacks on. Sweat pants for you Americans.

There’s a brush in my car. Don’t know who’s it is.

Picked up Ted he looks like Lenin. Not John Lennon. Lenin. The USSR Lenin.

Picked up Stephanie who does bible software. Interesting.

Met an Andrew Howard. Not relation.

Cyclists are still annoying.

Dane and Josiah told me about the coronaritas at Jalapenos. Love them. They’re like a margarita with a Corona beer in it.

More monster journeys last night. Oh and two Uber eats. Still double. Encountered more Uber people waiting for McDonald’s orders. One guy had 4 teeth. Told how good Uber eats was lately because it’s like dropping off a person. I said yeah reluctantly. He was right one Uber eats drop off gave me $10 instead of 5. It’s the promotion.

Final rider was Sean he liked to be called Seanathon. He’s mates in the back told me I need to get a gopro like a guy in New York. He apparently gets $10,000 a month from driving people around and filming their antics. Hmmm…

After 16 trips it was a monster of an evening. Till Monday.