Day 22

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My first passenger, her name was Marissa needed to be picked up at sports center where the AAA baseball field is located. I arrived and went to ring her, it was immediately hung up. “I’m deaf ” was the message I received in the Uber App. Oh my, where are you? I told her I put my hazards on and proceeded to drive around in the parking lot. She messaged me again, I’m by the white van. Okay there’s three. I slowly drove by two of them, then the people that were standing near the van didn’t say anything to me until I yelled her name. They looked and Marissa walked over with three bags. They said she’s very tired. Since my sign language is pretty rusty, I have her the okay symbol and smiled. She nodded her head, then I gave her a bottle of water and a packet of Nerds. She thanked me. We drove for 15 minutes. It was hard not to say anything. Found myself talking to myself when there were night works present. When we got close to her house I almost sailed passed it. She groaned at me and I thought oops must be down that street. I backed up. The area was pitch black with no street lights. I had no idea where I was. Felt like we were in the middle of nowhere. Looking at the map we were north of Suddenly there’s a valley. Sudden Valley. Felt like we went bush or something. As I backed up to the street I had missed, thought awesome no cars. I slowly drove closer to the pin on the map. I could see her hand in the corner of my left eye, yes she sat behind me. Then her hand moved rapidly when we got close. Thank goodness we’re here. She thanked me the best way she could. I helped her with her bags and said you’re welcome. There were two large dogs happy to see her. Dogs are the best. I restocked my cars interior with waters with my supplies from the boot aka trunk. Then looked at the sky. I love looking at the clear night sky it the pitch black night. Stars everywhere. Fantastic. I don’t mind the idea of having no street lights at all. It pollutes the earth visually and environmentally.

Once I got back to civilization. Uber Eats. Damn now I’m stuck at the road works again. I had some space ahead of me so I chucked a youi. Went a different route because time is of the essence. I started late to go see some mates and Bonnie at a camp ground. They all wanted me to come, but I’m worried about bills and survival right now. Remembered I got boxed in at the camp ground I couldn’t leave early. Anyway yet another customer wanted McDonald’s delivered. Crazy. Like lightning it was ready to go. I went all the way to the customers house with the strong aroma of chicken nuggets filling my car. As I pulled up to the house I sent him a message i have arrived. Then i rang him. It’s almost like he forgot he ordered the Maccas. Think he was plastered. It is Saturday night after all.

Once that was done and dusted Elyse over by the Bellingham County Club needed a ride. My first golfers I thought. Husband Mark was also present and smelling like chlorine, he put a towel down on my seat, I said “don’tworry my car is clean”, he replied “oh I jumped into the pool fully clothed”. “There’s a pool at the course?” “Yeah!” “Well that’s pretty sweet, speaking of sweet feel free to help yourselves to sweets and water”. They participated in a 4 day tournament at the club. Costing $400/person. It also costs that to be a member. Yeah I love golf but not that much. On the way they wanted to stop at Maccas. The same one that I just picked up Uber Eats from. Doesn’t matter how rich you are bad food will still pop up in your diet.

After dropping them off I wanted to go and use the loo and get an energy drink. Found a Haggens and like an oasis in the desert used their facilities. Walking out I desperately needed a pick me up. I was tired and irritable like over tired child on a plane or supermarket. Just no tears. No energy drink there I liked. Then ping. Okay guess I’ll drive tired for the rest of the evening. Getting a dependency on caffeine is a bad thing. Never used to care for energy drinks or coffee. Tea was my cuppa tea. That was what would kick start my engines in the morning now I search for decent American coffee with tons of sugar or a mango flavored Monster energy drink that tastes like juice instead of the medicine tasting Red Bull.

Next ping. Oh dear. I’m tired and my patience levels are running thin when the next person was picked up. Amanda and her bf. He guessed wrong with my accent. NZ. Again. Seriously listen and you’ll understand there’s a friggin difference. He said he likes accents. Then proceeded to try and do an Aussie accent. My sarcasm showed up and said yours doing so good right now, it’s like you’re Crocodile Dundee that smoked opium on a Chinese Junk. Keep going, because I don’t even try to do an American accent unless I’m on the phone and the person can’t understand me. Paul. PAAL! Finally I dropped them off. They were drunk, but thinking maybe I should just put an accent on and if they ask. I’m from the deep south.

My night got worse when I tried to find Matt from Vegas. He was supposed to be at the Horseshoe Cafe, which is on Holly Street. UBER! WHAT THE HELL!? It is telling me it’s on Railroad not Holly. I rang Matt to track him down. Couldn’t give me a straight answer. Where are you? What us near you??? Is there a Starbucks? I don’t know. Talk about 3 sheets to wind. I circled to try and find him. After 8 minutes I rang again and his mate answered and said we can see the Subway and Starbucks. πŸ€¨πŸ˜πŸ€”πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ. Once they were in my car. The guy in the back asked me if AC/DC are royalty in Australia. I responded of course, but they’re royalty everywhere else too. Matt hit my dash and said I never thought about asking an Australian that before. Right on dude! πŸ™„πŸ€¨

After dropping them off at Fat Shack. Yes that’s a restaurant. Alessandro pinged me. He used to own restaurants in Bham! Nice. Actually pretty easy going fella. After dropping him off my next customer was in bloody Ferndale. I wasn’t ready to go home after this trip, but I’m guessing Uber decided my fate. The customer rang me. I couldn’t hear a word she said, so I rang her back and could hear her clearer. She wanted to go to Jack in the Box. Yuck i really hate that place. I reluctantly said yes, because the customer is paying me one way or the other. I picked her up and her fellow.

We got to the establishment or should I say Jack off in the box. There were 8 cars in the drive thru. Great it’s going to take forever. The whole time we waited the guy said he wanted 6 bacon tacos and an oreo milkshake. Then the sheila said that’s gross why do you need that many? I just laughed at their bickering, because I’m being held hostage in this situation. We got to the speaker and she asked him what he wanted again? He changed his mind to 4 bacon tacos. Then the employee said can you hold for a moment. This seemed like a bloody eternity. Then my passenger started to order when he said to hold for a few minutes. The employee almost lost it. I said hold! Wow I thought I was irritated. Then after another 5 minutes he returned and apologized for the delay. My passenger asked me if I wanted anything and I said no thank you I hate Jack in the Box I retorted. She ordered 6 bacon tacos, even though her man changed his mind and wanted 4. Such a process. I think she ordered fries and ranch. Oh the milkshake machine was broken, so the bloke in the backseat said instead of an oreo milkshake, I will have a chocolate milkshake. Really? The guy just said the milkshake machine was busted. Life is hard for some people. No drink thank you. Anyone got a noose I can use to hang myself from my review mirror? After that ordeal they gave me a card to pay for their filth. Swipe. Done here’s ya bloody food, now can we go? Yes, okay good. Holy cow!! Lynden? Great I might as well go home after this. I wanted more money for the evening because it was Saturday. It is now 2.20 am. If I head back drunk hour will be over because it’ll take 30 minutes to get back. I gave the lady 4 stars instead of 5. She used to work for Uber and kinda screwed me over by making me wait. Probably would have been better pulling my teeth out. I rang Uber and apparently they do track my detours and time waiting in drive thrus. Good, because it was definitely worth another $10 me waiting.

Done for the night. Till tomorrow.