Day 24 – two days ago

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The day started with me going to get my brakes done. Nazaar is a mechanic in Blaine. He does work for cheap because it’s just him. He occasionally gets help from a bunch of his mates kids. He was going to charge me $50 to put brakes on my car. I arrived and he thought I was going to be another Mitsubishi owner and thought I was going to leave my car there whilst he worked on it. Nope. I was going to hang out for a while you swapped them out. I told him I’d lost my job a few months ago and I need my car working efficiently. He received a rather important phone call regarding his business/homes internet service. Nazaar had been dealing with crappie interwebs for quite some time. Apparently 5 years. Finally it was the call he was hoping for. You better take it otherwise you may never hear from them again or you’ll be playing eternal phone tag. I sat and waited. I wrote and waited. Thought I’d do a business plan for the job I was interviewing for next week. After writing as much as I could, I checked my oil and water. Fair dinkum my oil is getting low! Coolant is fine. Then he came back. He apologized for making me wait. I said it was fine. He hoisted my car up in the air like a baby elephant or maybe just a cow. Hubs off, nuts unscrewed, tyres off, calipers unfastened, brakes out. Brakes are at 65%. What??? I really thought they were wearing out. Hmmm. He walked over to my new brakes and showed me the thickness. Oh damn. I honestly just wasted my time.

I left and turned the Uber app on ready for some action. Drove all the way to Bellingham with no pings. Waited at the airport. No pings. Drove around town no pings. Saw that jettystone again on the back of a truck. It’s haunting me. Saw cars with tennis balls on aerials and thought does this help amplify the AM/FM radio? I mean what’s the point? Does it protect the aerial?

Went back to the airport and finally a ping. Dawn and her son. The son is a huge rugby fan and used to play on the wing. Told me how he got concussed playing soccer and baseball, but not rugby. Even when he was tackled by a 300 pound prop, he didn’t get concussed. I told him I got concussed in high school from charging down a kick. I dropped on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Got back up and kept playing. Went to the Mrs Neal’s business class, she was South African (Afrikaans), a total ranga, red hair like you wouldn’t believe. I sat with a scenario in front of me and I couldn’t think straight. Trying to work through the problem, I was in a daze and had a headache. I approached the teacher and told her I just got hit in the head and probably need to be checked out. Was told to go to sick bay. They rang my mum and I went to the free public health doctor that the good Australian tax payers pay for. Told the doctor what happened and he shined a torch in my face. My pupils were dilated. He told me to not go to sleep for a few hours. It can really effect you. He scheduled me in for a cat scan to see if there was any other damage. No brain to be found, your good to go πŸ‘πŸΌ.

Back to the Uber. An Amazon box was in the middle of the freeway. I swerved and hit some packaging which stayed on my bonnet (hood) for the rest of the trip. It’s the inflated packaging they put in the boxes. The wind flowing over the car made it comical. We all laughed at this piece of packaging flopping in the breeze. Looking like a small character hitting his head up and down on my car.

I dropped them off. That was all no one else. The app was malfunctioning again but even worse. I lost money that day, but gained it back due to not getting my brakes done.

Till yesterday.