Day 25 – halfway to fity.

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The day started with Travis, from the airport. A cop from Vancouver. He deals with gang crime specifically. Gangs in Vancouver? Are they polite about stabbing or holding up a bank? “Scuse me do you mind filling these begs with gould and maple cream cookies?” “But of course fine sir”. Then the robbers ride off into the sunset on a moose. Actually no they have issues with race factions and bikies. Guess they’re not so polite. I said to him, in Australia and here we hardly hear anything about Canada. He said it’s probably a good thing. I dropped him off at the last Starbucks before the border. Good way to start my day $30 straight away.

On the way back down I got a ping in Custer. Cool. They took forever. Once the three young adults were ready. I realized I was going in a northern direction home. They were renovating the Birch Bay cafe. When they open they’ll have kayaks to rent and some have glass bottoms! Seals and fish can be seen whilst paddling. Awesome! Maybe a next weekend thing.

Went down to Lakeway Drive where a nice older lady pinged me. Excellent I’m already at $50 & I feel like I’ve barely started. She was from California, just visiting a friend. She asked me how to schedule an Uber for Friday morning at 6am. I said I can just be here for you if you want. She was pretty stoked. No worries. Just means I have to get up earlier for the pings.

Went back to the airport then Steven at the Holiday Inn needed to be picked up. Well so I thought anyway. I got to the front and there was no one present. I rang him. He answered. An old fella wanting an Uber for his stranded wife. Apparently her car broke down. He said she should be there. I said I would wait until she showed up. He tried calling her, but to no avail. He rang the hotel and the staff came and said they’ll try and locate her for me. That’d be excellent. After 15 minutes I rang him back and said she’s not here I can’t wait any longer I’m sorry. Honestly I waited way over the time threshold. Uber drivers are only supposed to wait 5 minutes and get back out there. I thought the charging wait time went to me. Nope that’s not the case. I only get the cancellation fee. Damn.

Deepak was the next customer. A truck driver with an intriguing name.

Then Frank flew in from Alaska. He said he met some Aussies on the plane and then now here’s another driving you around. We discussed kangaroos and how big of a pest they are. Told him about my accident from 2012. When the roo jumped out in front of me when I was driving home from work. I do think they’re cute, but not as a hood ornament.

A nurse by the name of Emily need an Uber to work. I dropped her off at the hospital. Told her that I appreciate what she does. I asked her as a healthcare professional is there medical covered? No. What? That should be a perk if you work for a hospital. Wow! I was dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. Perturbed. Taken aback. Shocked. Bewildered. Annoyed. So much for my perfect perception of the medical industry in the USA. You really are on your own.

Finally I picked up a pharmacist and cookie regional manager. Tates. Haven’t tried those cookies but many grocery stores have them they’re nationwide and have been around for 30 years. We chatted about Australia and cookies, and how my pa aka grandfather on my dad’s side was a pharmacist before he retired. I went to drop them off at a Brewery in Fairdinkumhaven when an elderly hairless sasquatch derro anomaly appeared on the side of my car wearing trackydacks and no shirt. The gents didn’t feel comfortable leaving my car, so I drove further down the road to escape the beast. It was finally safe the turmoil and ghastly event was over. Some say that if you look him in the eye you’ll become him at 65. Scary.

Day completed.