Day 29

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Tuesday. Michelle was an older sheila. She knew I was Australian. How you ask? Well simple. Her client is an Australian boat building company. Well played non sir. She told me about the intricacies of the boats that they get in. I asked her about catamarans. Nope they don’t build those. Okay sorry my apologies. I like the word catamaran. It just roles off the tongue. If I can find an opportunity to say that bloody word I will. “What are you doing today Paul?” “I’m reading about catamarans”. Ah yes words can be absolutely delightful, but then they can be disgusting. Feel free to comment on this post your favorite or least favorite words.

Beth was next. She told me about an Aussie blog. Actually it was a vlog. Yes video blog. A family travels Australia in a campervan. Or something. Cool. I thought about my high school mate Eliott who rode a motorbike from Cape Town to Cairo. Then on to Germany. That’s a blog or should I say vlog I would have watched. Such a cool trip. I wanted to do that in a Jeep once.

Next customer was Isaiah. Couldn’t help but think Isaiah Yeo from my rugby league team the Penrith Panthers. I told him about this legend and he was stoked. I realized that his other half was the lady I dropped off about a week ago at Jack in the Box. He was the bf that worked there. Small world.

Final customer for the day was Inga. She was a Russian medical translator for the hospital. Hmmm… must be a lot of Russians to keep her busy.

Slowish day. Till Wednesday.