Day 3

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Bullshit job of the day:

Energy consultant that instructs businesses on how to save money by limiting power usage.

Guess what? You just need a dad going around to turning the bloody lights off.

Driving Uber and being kind to whoever sits in your car is a must. It’s natural to me, but two men said they appreciated how kind I was to them. I said being kind to people goes a lot further than being a prick to people. He immediately tipped me in cash not via the app.

Friday’s are definitely more fruitful than weekdays ubering. Also the Aussie accent is apparently, so attractive even the men are asking their wives to do it in certain personal circumstances.

Not everyone tips Uber when they’re drunk. They’ll take a water and spill it everywhere. 
One also said to not to assault them and then proceeded to hit on me when I responded. πŸ€’πŸ˜£πŸ˜–πŸ˜’πŸ€―πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Had a guy called Skip. He apparently doesn’t like Skippy the bush kangaroo. Couldn’t figure out why?

Uber eats is only good if the customer tips. Waste of money otherwise.

Longest trip 10 miles

Shortest trip. 0.68 miles.

Average ~5 miles.

By the way Niblit Men at Work on Repeat was a hoot.