Day 5

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Think I need to get some business cards made. Three people have requested me. Especially a pilot named Dwight. Yes Dwight. I thought of TV show The Office. He was quite the opposite of what I expected.

Picked up a new regular Dwight at 3am. He’s a pilot and off to Bahrain.

Picked up a cool gentleman from Jamaica named Bryon today. We discussed cricket and how easily offended people get these days. We both agreed that thicker skins come with thicker grins. Probably could’ve chatted to longer with him.

Found out it’s cheaper to fly to the San Juan Islands than to get a boat. Who would have thunk?

Uber eats is better when there are promotions are on. Also people really like Maccas at 3 in the morning here. Had my first Dennys pickup. Smelt fantastic.

Uber pays quicker than most employers I’ve ever had. Weekly. Yep. Pretty solid actually.

Most conversations only last 5-10 minutes. It’s unfortunate because most of them I could talk their ears off about anything. No awkward silences, yet.

99% of Uber riders don’t like Trump so far. I haven’t brought him up at all. People just ask me what I think of him. I just say a raving lunatic with his priorities up wazoo. Then the flood gates open. One person told me about his friend that had been living and working in the country for over 20 years. She was from Rwanda and her citizenship became annulled for whatever reason. So she married a friend to stay in the country. To be honest looking at what happened to Rwanda in 1994, it’s no wonder she wouldn’t want to back.

People still ask where I’m from. I simply turn up Men at Work on the radio. To see if they understand. Nope. Some have heard of her.

Oh one last thing. Actually spoke to another Uber driver waiting for a plane to arrive. He told me where I had parked was incorrect and that I could be fined $500 by the airport, he also said that I have to park beyond his car or not at all. I said well I’ll risk it thanks. He was really hurt about where I’d parked in relation to the airport. He obviously thinks it’s about proximity like normal ubering. Nah mate if you get to the airport queue first, you get pinged first simple. He proceeded to have ciggie and left. Clearly I stressed the poor bugger out. Soon as he left I got a ping, thanks mate ðŸ¤£ðŸ˜‚