Day 6

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Not a great start to the day got a chip on my windscreen aka windshield from either a bird or another vehicle. Saw the bird flying in circles ahead of me, so I’m getting it fixed for free. Thanks insurance company.

Okay while I wait here’s a fun fact about the very first taximeter:

The taximeter was invented in Ancient Rome originally. The rather crude invention was hooked up to a chariot, with a horse and would be made up of a compartmented wheel driven by a road wheel. As the wheel would turn pebbles would be released periodically as the wheel moved. The pebbles would then be counted after every trip, which in turn would dictate how many Denari the passenger owed the driver. (Popular Mechanics, 1960: p112).

Ah yes what an evening of driving. Absolutely knackered. 4th of July eve was a success. There were definitely highlights including a vegan leaving a piece of onion on my passenger seat. The audacity! It’s okay I flicked it out the door as she was shutting it. Boom! Mean Seth Rogan made an appearance okay his doppelganger called Cody showed up. Same features and voice, not to mention his laugh. Oh a man in van gave me the bird for merging so I didn’t miss my exit. He was so powerful with it he lost his teeth! Hmmm maybe he didn’t have them to begin with who knows? I just laughed at his anger and proceeded to exit.

Now Uber Eats probably the grossest thing I ever encountered. Went to use the restrooms while I waited for McDonald’s to cook the so called food that David P ordered. As I was walking out of the bathroom a toddler decided to drop what appeared to be a chicken nugget on the floor. Oh that’s no nugget ladies and gentlemen, it was a turd. A smelly turd. The father of the child casually proceeded to grab anything he could find to clean it up, honestly hurry up dude before someone steps in it! The kid just stared at me with his mouth open. I shook my head at the child and left the scene of the crime immediately. Yep after that I had lost my appetite and dropped off his meal to David P. Yes high as a kite this gent was. Couldn’t tell me where he was. I had to find this guy stumbling in the night. He thanked me and I went on my way.

Someone left their sunglasses in my car. Will find out tomorrow if anyone actually cares about them.

Hmmm…people still fascinated by accent. One guy was thankful it wasn’t a New Zealand accent. He was very strong about it in fact. Said this blonde New Zealander babysat him as a child and he loathed her.

Apparently people at Haggen the grocery store get paid and looked after pretty well. This one particular gentleman was extremely stoked about working there.

Met an environmental guy who gave me his card and may need an archaeologist in the future. Knew all about section 106. I said I’ll send him a resume as soon as I can. He owns his own company and works all over the US. He had a walking stick and had to pick up his Ford from the dealership. He tipped me rather well.

There was a lady named Hannah, she was Scottish and lived in Australia. Cool story. Oh she was from Glasgow and is apparently better than Edinburgh.

People always commenting on our dangerous animals. I said, you know what doesn’t kill you? Assault rifles.

By the way a few ladies I dropped off at a wedding, informed me that Mozambique is in the commonwealth and it used to be a Portuguese colony, not UK. They even drive on the left. Smarty pants. I already knew that but it was cool they revealed that to me.

One last thing. Racism. Drunkard Racism. Not a fan. Not going to reveal the gory details, but after one fellow spewed out a comment, I immediately turned around and said to be Frank, the people you just discussed are probably the most respectful and genuine people I have ever met. Here’s your stop. Goodnight.