Day 79 – Blackberry Birch Beer idea, the glue man, and the Scots!

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First passenger was a pharmacy assistant heading to work. We discussed the cost of living in Bellingham. It’s apparently the 3rd most expensive location to live in the state. Following Seattle and possibly Tacoma. It’s honestly cheaper than San Diego, that’s for sure. It all has to do with housing availability and the ability to purchase or rent one. Although Bellingham has a small population and there is infrastructure being developed, it’s not enough for the mass amounts of people moving here.

I dropped my passenger off at work. Then ping! A elderly lady and her grandson needed a lift across town. I made my way there. Avoiding atrocious traffic. Why is there so many cars? Oh yeah I just discussed the housing dilemma. My passenger is an after school counsellor. He only works four hours a day, but helps kids with their daily stresses. We discussed many topics then eventually the town’s breweries and how many there are. I said “What do you think is an ideal local brew?” My passenger couldn’t really give me an example. I said I love the story of Captain Vancouver dropping off his crew to find food for the ship, but instead made birch beer from the fermented fruit it grows. I believe the crew got whipped for their discovery. I then conjured the idea of actually revisiting this and maybe adding blackberries for extra flavour. My passengers actually thought it was a great idea and I said we could call it Blackberry Birch Beer. A cool and refreshing beverage on a hot summers day. Would it be sickly? Hoppy? I don’t know. If I knew how to brew beer I’d give it a try. Perhaps A new hobby to explore? Could be more of a cider.

Next was a psychology student I’d picked up before. He only has one more year to go and he’s done with his education. Nice one mate. Not long now. He works occasionally at Fred Meyer to help pay for his tuition and living. The other day he told me about this one person asking him to replace a propane tank. He didn’t have a key, so he declined the customer. There was no one else to assist on the matter, so he told the customer to come back later. It obviously turned into a screaming match, which lead to my passengers frustration over the matter. He didn’t have the training or the key to deal with the propane tank, so he couldn’t assist the customer. What kind of training do you need to switch a propane tank? I’m curious. Is it a fire safety certificate? I honestly don’t know.

The following customer was a sociology student who wants to get into assisting native Americans in Alaska. Nice one.

Later after a more glitches with the apps due to connectivity issues I got a ping from a Chinese man who is from a small town an hour outside of Shanghai. It used to be a rural community, but is now a bustling metropolis. The country has expanded exponentially over the years. We joked about the Chinese food in America. It’s not the best. I’m yet to find anything as good as Australia’s Chinese food.

After I dropped the Chinese man off I went to pick a bloke who works in a glue factory, stickey. He used to work at Starbucks and then changed his career. The company trained him on the job, he’s still learning. Whilst driving him to work a lady decided to drive out of a parking space suddenly. Crikey! My passenger commended me on my braking efforts avoiding an accident. She didn’t look at all. Maybe her vision was obstructed? Either way it certainly got the heart beating.

I plonked the bloke off and proceeded to pick up my next customer who works as a logistics manager. He essentially goes around to all the offices and looks at anything from carpet squares to cubicles. Astounding. I thought of an even better job to assist businesses become hypoallergenic. Air filters, microfiber chairs, dust free work place. Ah the possibilities. I think I just created a bullshit job. I could go around advising people on how to become more allergy friendly. Stop the sick days! Breath easy. No mould! No dust! Respiratory dream. I could charge an initial $200 consulting fee and then $59/HR after that if they need additional assistance. I could call it Breath Easy. Are you kidding me? I’m sure this will be a thing soon. Heck maybe I’ll create this business right now!

My next customers invaded my car from the rear and requested freedom from England. Oh yes you guessed two Scottish elderly people entered my car. They weren’t wearing kilts or playing bagpipes. They were simply traveling through. Both were driving through Washington with a rental car and decided to drop it off and catch a buss from Fairdinkumhaven back to Vancouver. We got talking about Perth and place names. Yes the Perth in Scotland not the Aussie one. I said there’s not too many original names unless they’re native which they both agreed. The most humorous name they came across whilst driving around was “Dirty Finger Creek”. Sounds gross. I certainly chuckled about this one.

Once I had set them free at their destination. I got a ping from a lady who I had picked up before. The hair stylist casino lady. She decided to go to the casino again whilst her hubby watches the Nationals vs the Astros. Yep Major League baseball, he was barracking for the Nationals. Who won by the way. So he must have been pleased.

Anyway that’s it for Tuesday 8 trips uber. 2 trips Lyft.