Day 8 – The Golden Unicorn

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This was the most intense Uber trip I have ever accomplished. Still got to drive 14 hrs home, but oh boy. I started my evening at 6PM. Then as I was driving down my street, a ping. A ping in Blaine! Near the Cost Cutters. A gentleman by the name of Marlo met me there and immediately told me his ordeal. Him and his Brazilian friend drove up from San Francisco to shoot a music video in Blaine Washington at the Peace Arch. On arrival the border patrol saw their Californian license plates and pulled them over in their Cadillac. They took one look at Jose and demanded papers, which were in California so the tased him and handcuffed him. My future Uber passenger showed me the entire footage. They didn’t dare touch Chris Marlo aka Trezy the upcoming rapper, because he was an African American and a citizen. This fine gentleman didn’t have his drivers license yet and could not drive the now impounded Cadillac. So he needed transportation to get to San Francisco fast. He didn’t have enough money or a passport and all trains and buses were no longer running until Tuesday.

I initially took him to Fairhaven to see if there was an Amtrak. Nope nothing. So he pleaded with me to take him all the way to California. I obviously thought about it and said I can drive you to Seattle. Then he said I’ll pay you some money now and the rest when I see my brother back in California.

I rolled the dice and it was one hell of a trip. 14 hours into the night. Many microsleeps on the way. Fun fun and scary. But all in all pleasant. We discussed the issues with police brutality and border patrol using unnecessary force. It certainly angered me further. Something needs to be done!

When we finally got to our destination Hawk aka the brother with the cash. Thanked me immensely and I told him it’s all good. Let’s get your brother’s music career into stardom.

Showers and teeth brushing is extremely wonderful.

If anyone wants to see a rap video of the guy (Treezy aka Chris Morley Sanders) I dropped off in California please send me a private message and I’ll forward it to you.

I just looked up the longest Uber ride ever. It’s only 400 miles. It appears I have the record. 907 miles. Who do I tell? Guinness world records?