Day 85 – A golfer, bird poo and a yacht seller

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Have you ever been pooped on? Well I have several times whether it’s a dog or a bird. Shit literally happens, and just so happened to be my third experience of bird crap. My first ever experience of a bird defecating on me was in primary school, outside under a tree purple liquid from the sky ended up on my forearm. The next time was at the MCG in 2012, it wasn’t on my leather jacket, a seagull popped out a white turd on my leather jacket. Now out walking a crow decided to unleash hell upon my head and the sane leather jacket that got crapped on back in 2012. My Nan used to say to me it was lucky when I was younger. I’m not sure how I feel about that. 2019 has been the most challenging year of my adult life. Is it a turning point? Did the bird change my luck or is it going to be a roller coaster for the next few months? I don’t know, all I knew at the time is I need to clean myself up from this disgusting mess. After cleaning myself up I proceeded to start my day.

My first customer was a bloke called Jeff, well so I thought. The app decided to malfunction on me and as a result no customer. I had to wait for my next customer. A pilot who flies 747s. The bloke lives in Mexico and Arizona. Two homes. He was in town visiting his brother. A friendly chap who loved talking about his career as a pilot. Everything from plane malfunctions to long haul flights, he had so many experiences. No scary ones to report though.

I dropped him off at this brothers place. Then another ping to the north west. The diplomats daughter. She is learning how to drive, taking a course in town. Her father is no longer a diplomat, but works for an economic think tank company. Predominantly, he works with the USA and South Korea to establish good economic strategies to increase growth. Honestly, he still sounds like a diplomat, just on a private scale.

Once I had dropped off my precious cargo to their destination, I picked another important human. (They’re all important). The bloke who works at Dirty Dance in Fairdinkumhaven. I found out he plays golf and he’s willing to sell me his spare golf clubs, when he gets them back from his mate. He also wants to have a game with me at some point. At the moment I can’t afford a golf membership, however when I start getting more money come in I’ll certainly consider a golf membership somewhere. Golf always brings back fond memories of playing at Glenmore Park in western Sydney and up in Armidale with my mates.

Next passenger pinged me in town. A lady from Portland, her ex boyfriends father used to own Reset Games, an awesome arcade pub off Sunset Drive. You can play Mortal Combat while you drink a cider or beer. It’s fantastic. Last time I was there was for my birthday. I had a blast.

My final passenger was a bloke with his wife. Both retired from the working world. The wife was a Susie homemaker for most of her life, whilst the hubby used to sell yachts in Bellingham. He apparently sold a yacht to a college football commentator. An extremely famous one. Unfortunately the name escapes me it was before I even set foot in the USA. My passenger also worked in real estate in the Bay Area.

Thirsty Thursday was not so thirsty. Perhaps it was the bird? 3 trips Lyft. 2 trips uber. Fruitful Fridays is next.