Day 88 – A free ferry, a bloke from Blaine, and the art historian

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Once upon a time there was a bloke from Blaine Washington. He needed an uber to the grocery store and back to his home. Why couldn’t be use his car? He hydroplaned and hit another vehicle. Now he has no way of getting around except for me. Anyway this chap was very curious about Australia and wanted to try vegemite. I offered him the opportunity, but he appeared to be frightened and didn’t want anything to do with it. The man found out I was an archaeologist and proceeded to tell me about obsidian bi faces he encountered in other parts of the USA. “You didn’t keep them did you?” I asked. “Only a few”. He openly responded. 🤦‍♂️ I told him it is against the law to just go pilfering artifacts like that. “Really?” He replied. “Yes 100%”.

After educating the man, he finally understood the consequences. Next was a customer who is an art historian by trade. She was fascinating. She educated me about some old historical cabins in Ferndale where she works. In historic costume she teaches people about the old cabins. Canadians were apparently the worst tourists she had encountered, arrogant and rude. This surprised me, because Canadians always appear genuine and nice to me. Anyway this lady said to me that the U.S. had a vote on what language should be the official language of the USA. German or English? German lost out by apparently a small margin, making English the dominant language in the USA. Cripes! I had no idea. This lady was a wealth of knowledge. We even discussed the ferry system. San Juan Islands is private and expensive to use, whereas as the Lummi Island ferry is completely free. Fair dinkum! I was not aware of this. I asked her why there wasn’t a ferry to Point Roberts? The peninsula jutting out south from Canada. It’s extremely inconvenient. You must go through Canada, buy a boat, hire a boat or fly there. Such a hassle. I heard a rumour though that many witness protection people end up moving there. Only because it’s inconvenient.

Next was a lady who I had picked up once before at the Best Western. She works there, but hates it. People backstabbing each other and just being immature. I felt sorry for my passenger. “Maybe it’s time to move?” I mentioned. “I do like it, but it’s just the people”, she replied. “I noticed you were using Lyft instead of Uber”. I changed the subject to move on from her troubling work. “yeah there’s a promotion on at the moment”. Lyft were 30% than uber that day.

Finally a bloke from Dallas. He was my last passenger of the day. He was in town to work at the refinery. Just temporarily. However he was off to have a liquid dinner that night. Beer at the Slo Pitch. Still haven’t been there yet. Hopefully I’ll check it out one day. It’s like a mini casino.

Uber 2 passengers, with Lyft 2. Slow day, but the next day is not so thirsty Thursday.