Day 9

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Right, here goes. Driving on the highway looking for the show, okay customer. Was heading to the ever so fruitless airport, when ping! A man named Mohamed needed a lift back up where I came from to the BP refinery. Then I discovered an untouched goldmine of transportation potential. I picked up another two and dropped them off at the airport. Surprisingly the security guard at BP Cherry Point prefers Uber than taxis. Actually not surprised at all. I gave him my number and now I’m looking at getting business cards made thanks to Deb. Cheers Deb.

The German gentleman loved my accent and found it refreshing I wasn’t American. I felt sorry for his colleague in the rear who was indeed American. The German called Norbit also told me a rather rude and derogatory joke, which I obviously laughed at. Anyone seen the movie 127 hours? Well let’s just say it involved part of that. Especially the arm being fit off and we won’t mention the other bits because this is a family show people. Geeze.

Today I also got a 4 star rating for no reason. My first one. Absolutely rude. I had 5 star ratings until whoever you were stepped foot in my car. Wondering why? This person didn’t even say why? Is it because you’re one of those teachers that say oh nothing is 100% in life, so you have to bring people down a notch?

Had one lady and her daughter from LA surprising her mother. Thought that was pretty exciting for them all.

Anyway had a couple of Peruvians in the car and they don’t like the current political landscape, said it brews hatred. I agreed with them.

Had a man talk about his husband the whole trip, which is fine, but I was trying to tell you about my day.

Finally had my 100th driver grace my vehicle. To her surprise she was gifted a $10 gift card to Fred Meyer. She tipped me $5. Little confused by this but I guess she got a $5 gift card.

See pictures below. Anyone else OCD? I am particularly for 4.98/5 rating I have now.