Day 93 – Sister of a Piano Tuner, Florida Woman, and The Animal Suit

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One of my regulars messaged me and asked me if I could pick her up. I agreed. The medieval literature student, needed to go to class. I arrived a little early and she was worried about being late. “Don’t worry about it, appreciate the work” was my response. We started to talk about music and instruments. When she mentioned her brother is a piano tuner in Tacoma. “Does he get much business?” I asked. “Yes he does surprisingly” she replied. You would have to have a keen ear for it. I always remember my uncle’s and aunt’s getting piano tuners in North Sydney.

Chiropractor and psychology student graced my car. They had a very positive outlook on their career paths. I’m sure they’ll do well. Especially the back doctor.

Next lady I picked up from AmTrack in Fairdinkumhaven. A lady who is married to active duty marine who’s in Iraq right now. My passenger was a former deputy sheriff from Florida. I asked her “What is the craziest story you’ve had from working down in Florida?”. She replied “Have you heard of Florida man?” I said “Yes of course I have”. For those who don’t know if you type in Florida man and the day and month of your birthday you might get an outrageous news article from the state of Florida. It can be quite amusing. Anyway my passenger she said she had Florida Woman! “We had a lady who was meth and pretty doped up, she had been arrested after causing a scene at the local grocery store. At the police department she started getting violent towards the other police officers, we decided to spray her with pepper spray to calm her down. What we didn’t expect is that it had no effect on her, but all the other officers started tearing up and coughing violently. The lady eventually asked if she could wash her eyes, one female sergeant showed her where the restroom was after washing out her own eyes. The meth addict was caught washing her face in the toilet bowl”. I laughed so hard at this and said “You ma’am, have just made my day”. I dropped her off at a coffee shop in a park at Fairdinkumhaven.

Next customer was a young woman in a cute onesie, but not any onsie. This one had a tail and I believe was a fox outfit or something. I obviously couldn’t help but comment “nice outfit (thought Halloween was a week or two ago)”. She replied “Oh I just where this because it’s easier to throw on”. 🤔😏 It was bloody hilarious and realised I was dropping her off at the Amtrak. What on earth is going on?

Then I picked another lady goimg to the Amtrak. A purple haired student. Her family hates her purple hair and wants her to go back to normal.

Unfortunately there was cancellation after the purple haired lady, then ping again. A trans person who was the exact same person who just cancelled. “Why’d you cancel?” I asked. ” Oh I was trying to find something and didn’t want you to get here too early”. Was the response. “Fair enough, what do you do for work?” “I work at Casa Pasa and the Bagelry”. I haven’t been to either, but am curious about this Bagelry place. I found out my passenger used to work in South Korea as an English teacher. Wonderful. You do not need to know Korean to teach. Most kids pick it up pretty easily. In fact extremely better than most adults.

Finally John the intermittent chewer and non talkative chap got me again. I shut up the whole ride and listened to him smack his mouth every now and then. He did compliment me on my driving and thanked me for the ride. What a character.

5 Trips Uber 2 rides Lyft. Next up a terrible Tuesday.