Day Twenteen. Ok Day 20

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Such a slog. So many short trips and not enough trips. I was spoilt yesterday with so many long journeys around Whatcom County.

First ping was Mary. She was an Uber Eats customer. Had to get her food from the mall. She wanted Thai food. Full of peanut sauce. Luckily I can handle the smell or my peanut allergy could have ruined my day straight from the get go. It seemed a little early for Thai food in my opinion, but that’s none of my business.

Next customer was Anne. She wants to work as a criminal justice professional. Basically wants to become a detective, which is cool. Detective Anne.

The following chap. Now he was probably the coolest guy. His actual name is Jimmy Chatfield. A Bellingham Bells player who goes to Yale. He is a pitcher and might make the big time Baseball. Major league baseball that is. We shall see. I told him I’m hoping to see his name up in lights one day. No pressure or anything. We discussed cricket and how the MLB scouted bowlers because the cricket ball is heavier than a baseball. Reminded me when I didn’t wear a helmet playing for Mary White College and got a cricket ball to the cheekbone. Had a massive lump there for a week. Ouch. I did however remember getting a hat trick in high school at indoor cricket. That was awesome. Split the stumps first bowl. Then two people caught out immediately after. Great fun. Hoping Jimmy goes far with baseball.

Beck was next to be picked up. Not much to say about her. We’ll skip her and talk about Chicken Devan. He was off to the Dominican republic. He was a 2 stop fellow. Dropped him off then picked him up again. He works as a climate change consultant assisting impoverished communities to curve their green house gas emissions. Specifically Africa. What a legend. Meanwhile I’m thinking I need a Tesla.

Next was a repeat offender. Holy crap it’s Aaron from the hospital. How’s your mum? Not good. Her medication has been making her crazy. He said it was the opioids. He proceeded to show me videos of how his mum was. Horrific. He needed to pick up some items of hers from the hospital and return to her immediately. I stupidly accepted another passenger before I realized he needed to return to his sick mother. I took him back anyway. The ferries to Alaska were canceled and they couldn’t fly due to his mothers surgery. Felt sorry for the lad. I thought back when I had my wisdom teeth out and my tolerance was fine, but she apparently was taking too many of the prescribed pills. Awful. After I dropped him off I messaged my next passenger apologizing for the delay in pickup and that I had a customer emergency.

MJ. She was from the Philippines and heavily pregnant. I left a pregnant lady waiting. She was cool about it though. In no hurry. Enjoying the sunny day. We discussed how long her green card process has been taking and she told me only a month. I warned her it might take some time.

After dropping her off I picked up Leo and his family. They all promptly had to be dropped off at the airport. Then I noticed his grandfather and he looked like Henry Gibson, the small old judge from Boston Legal. Then I realized it could not have been him because he died in 2009. RIP. Unless Washington is heaven? One guy in the party asked if I was Australian and I said yes. They love Caloundra and Bondi. Nice.

Throughout the day two people sat behind me. It’s a little unnerving. There are three other seats and you want to sit directly behind me? To save my brakes I used my gears. My car is an auto with a manual component. Pretty cool. Discovered it over the weekend up Mt Baker.

Picked up Rachel. Uber took me to a side street. Instead of her apartment. Thought it must be that bloody algorithm glitch again.

Other customers were another Aaron! So many Aaron’s. He guessed that I was Australian. His wife, his mates and himself were going on a wine cruise in Fairdinkumhaven. Only $39 pp. Pretty sweet deal. Didn’t even know about it.

Picked up a Kathryn who works for a construction company. I’m building a client base without trying. I have 4 clients already if I want to go back to archaeology. Sweet. She took some sweets for her child. Didn’t get anything from Portland for her son. Nerds from your Uber driver is the key.

Amanda was the next guest on my talk show. I mean Uber customer. Picked her and her mates up from Chuckanut Brewery. They were off to another Brewery known as Aslan. I said this is your All Aussie Pub Crawl Tour. They loved it and said I should have a bus and say anything from. Australian slang to jokes and point out imaginary Australian Wildlife on the way. πŸ€”πŸ€¨

Mike was my final customer and he guessed my accent incorrectly. He said New Zealand. No! Get out the car. He was from Mexico I mean Texas. Typo. He did say he was keen to go to Australia. Good on ya mate. Do it. Learn the accent before you go though.

14 trips! Busy day! Till tomorrow.