Dayeth 27th – Fruitful Fridays

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6am my booking a cash in hand job thanks to the lady I had met two days prior. Geeze I hate mornings, but I’ll get up for money. I still had a long way to go for my quota, but I’ll do what it takes to get my weekly quota.

After I dropped the nice lady off at the airport I needed it coffee. Extremely early. I went to my new favorite place Cool Beans. I asked for my usual. White chocolate mocha please. Yes sweeter than the sweet and I’m sure a Colombian dies whenever I drink my sacrilecious and delicious beverage. I went to take my first sip. Lumps. Okay maybe that was just the first sip. Hmmm no. More lumps. Take a gulp. Okay yuck it’s not supposed to be lumpy. I immediately went back. The milk had certainly turned in the wrong direction. The coffee barista was super apologetic and made me a new one. Sip. Ahhhhhh much better cheers. Bloody hot though. As I took a big gulp I heard a Colombian jump off a roof in anger for my sweetening down of rich full bodied beans from the depths of the jungle.

Then ping. Thorkild. The Danish. Cool name. He was a thunderous man who was a nurse by trade but used to be a Commercial fisherman. He’d been to Melbourne for 6 months. He even got to see a Richmond Tigers game. He enjoyed footy. I thought that’s great news. Not many Americans know about Australian Football.

After dropping him off I went by the airport then ping. Crikey. Tom Cruise! Actually he was just a man called Tom who used to work for a cruise liner back in the day. Sorry peeps no real celebrities. Yet. His flight was canceled and wanted a bus to Seattle. I took him to the depot and he was super thankful.

I took another chance at the airport to pick up any passengers from the new flight coming in. Ping. Wow my luck has changed. G’day Amy how are you? She had a tiny suitcase and herself. I put her case in the trunk aka boot. Shut it and noticed the clock. That 16 minutes looks odd. Oh wait that’s 116 minutes. Where are we going? SeaTac. Awesome another Unicorn trip. Thanks Alaska Airlines for canceling your flights today. The other plane wasn’t supposed to come until 7pm. This poor Google HR manager didn’t want to wait. So she got me. Lucky her. She wasn’t too talkative. I managed to find out she had worked for Google for 9 years. I said do you get a cake at the 10 year mark? Nope you get a plaque with your name on it. I asked her what will she get at the 20 year mark? A cake and a new plaque? She didn’t know and didn’t seem to get my joke or I wasn’t funny. She slept for most of the drive to Seattle Tacoma Airport. I had no music going either so it was the quietest ride ever.

After dropping her off I went to Tacoma to try my other driving location. Only deliveries was showing so I called customer support. I hung out near the Tacoma dome. It took them 3 hrs of trouble shooting and turning my phone off and on again, that it still doesn’t work. Not sure why?

I eventually gave up on this glitch and went back home. I got back to Bellingham and then ping. Sarah got me she wanted to get her nails done. Sure I’ll take you there. Dropped her off. Then I realized I got pretty close to my quota after just one day.

Another fruitful Friday.