Dayteen ok Day 18

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The day started with me washing and vacuuming my car for my new passengers. Cars get so filthy don’t they? I mean hair, dog fur, chips, dirt, dust, and Hi Chew wrappers. It builds up exponentially!

First customer was Amber she being dropped off to get a NEEEEW CAAAAR! Yep an Chevvy SUV. I was excited for her and told her she should do Uber if she has a new vehicle.

After dropping amber off I thought I’d try the airport to see who was flying in from Oakvegas. I mean Oakland. Ardy, a somewhat handsome gentleman graced my car. He was tall, dark haired and I think Italian background. A house flipper that had no time to chat. Just phone call after phone call. Cool dude. Guess you can do you and flip off a house.

Chreesten. Was off to the university. Communications. Interesting name.

I went back to the airport to see if I can get anymore passengers. I waited and I counted the coins in my wallet. They made my hands reak! Gross! Had enough small change for a coffee at new favorite coffee booth. “Cool Beans”. Only $4 for a white chocolate mocha. Yummo. My favorite hot guilty pleasure. Caloric and heavy, yet sweet and tasty. Tuesday’s is double stamp day.

Grace was the next airport customer who was studying classics. She was contemplating grad school, which means masters in the USA. I told her it would probably help her. Even said she can grab my card if she wants me to forward her some big names that might help her kickstart her career.

Sarah was picked up at the Best Western by the airport. She guessed my accent in one. It’s a little bit of a game I play with myself now. Wondering if I should give out prizes for ones who guess correctly? Anyway she told me about a friend who does uber and got $150 for someone puking in their car. Free detailing. Amazing.

Next passenger was at the hospital. Aaron. This fine gentleman was assisting his mother after a very serious operation. As I drove up I called out to the two people that were at the entrance of the hospital. At that moment 4 policemen and a lady in handcuffs walked out of the hospital, when the lady in cuffs screamed! A blood curdling scream, either she was in pain from the handcuffs or she was being dramatic. Hard to say. The poor mother that had just undergone lung and shoulder surgery, was freaking out by the crazy Prisoner. I helped Aaron put all his mothers items in the boot aka trunk of my car. We chatted and I made sure both passengers were comfortable. Dropped them off at the Hotel Motel Holiday Inn.

George pinged me. Him and his wife were moored at the port of Bellingham. They needed groceries. We went to Frederick Meyer and they suggested I wait for 10-20 minutes and they will use me again. Sure enough after they had acquired the groceries and ended up in my car they were ready to order me again. Ping! Phew no Christopher or any other uber driver in the vicinity, just me.

Dennis, another customer, wanted to be dropped off at a mechanic. He spent $1000 to pay for his brakes and rotors on his truck. Said mine need doing also. He works as one of those Energy efficient consultant. His job specifically was to tell customers how to build their house by being energy efficient. That means the use of insulation, solar panels and a hydroelectric dam in ya pond. Sorry bit carried away there. No dam pond. Was thinking it was a BS job, then found out he knew Larry Steele. Yep Bonnie’s boss. Small world.

Most other people I spoke to wanted to know about archaeology and how it works. Some asked about Australia and where I was from. My observations included terribly slow drivers and rastaflannelman. Yes what appeared to be Bob Marley in flannel. Never seen this fashion statement in my life.

David the lawyer, a geologist, a psychologist, and a future sports journalist graced my car.

Total trips was 14. Busy day for a Tuesday.