Divide and Conquer

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What’s on my mind? Yes I will update this blog this afternoon, but I couldn’t help but dive into a thought I had.

A tinfoil hat moment about covid19 below:

I’ll tell you. Divide and conquer. A military and political strategy used by many civilizations to extinguish their immediate threat. Divide and conquer or rule comes from the Latin phrase divide et impera. Phillip of Macedon II used this tactic along with the ancient Roman’s and Mongolians. I strongly believe that right now we’re witnessing the first stage of conquest in the USA. Or perhaps an experiment to see how well the people react. Memes can be created to instill fear and hatred on a broad scale. Implemented through social media. Some are funny, but some are indeed serious. The perpetual narrative impacting upon the world right now is opinionated and unjustified.

Pandemic tool
The bubonic plague was used as a military tool to kill or cripple the populace within the walls of castles or forts. Patient military rulers would wait until the right moment to storm the fortification. Smallpox was another military tool used that decimate various native populations to gain a stronger foothold in an invaded land.

Examples of dividing and conquering.
The Roman’s conquered Gaul using the divide and conquer strategy. By dividing the enemies forces Julius Ceasar was able to successfully conquer Gaul. Other examples are a bit more extreme. The British empire managed to stir the pot by making minorities in positions of power. The Tamils in Sri Lanka were put in powerful positions creating unrest with the Sinhalese. Cyprus is another British pawn in divide and conquer pitching the Turks and the Greeks together on a tiny Island. Rwanda was also a country used as a political experiment an attempt to divide and conquer. It eventually became an atrocity that lead to genocide in 1994. The Hutu and Tootsie hated each other because one was placed in power.

Now we have a bipartisan country like the USA. The Republicans and the Democrats. There are other political parties, but they have barely any legs to stand on due to lack of funding. So essentially the USA has two factions. Now pitch them against each other.

I’ll give some examples of how divide and conquering is working in the last six months revealing various scenarios. This is a modern approach and it is scary.

Scenario 1
Covid19 the sheep:
The government tries to recommend using masks to stop the spread of the virus.

A foreign individual or influencer creates a meme to instill fear and anger from one political side. Resulting in people acting out.
False facts litter social media relating to wearing masks and other social distancing mandates.

Scenario 2.
It’s just the flu?

Lacksadaisical attitudes from another individual or influencers opinion increase and result in conflict in the streets.

Scenario 3.
Police brutality

Enflame the left by posting more Police brutality videos and photos resulting in mass protests and riots. Inadvertently making the virus spread.

Scenario 4.
Fudge the books

Create doubt about the cause of death of various individuals. Therefore by indicating that an individual that died of a motorcycle accident death was covid19. Enflaming the right.

Scenario 5.

Congratulations you have successfully divided an entire nation through memes and media.

Scenario 6.

The external influencer can now activate another pandemic far more deadly and spread it around a country using the above methods.

Call it a tinfoil hat moment, but America and other nations have exposed an enormous weakness. Any country can use covid19 as a way to destroy a country. It’ll start with a government mandate and all of a sudden it appears to be a way to let the government remove freedoms from the population. Resulting in a divide and conquer strategy that could destroy a nation.

  • Paul Howard