Northwest Youth Services

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Fruitful Fridays was cut short for an event. Not just any event a charity gala for the Northwest Youth Services. About a year ago when a mate asked me to go a charity gala. I didn’t hesitate to say Yes! It’s not very often I get to invited to charity galas. In fact this year was the second time. Let’s give you the reader a backstory of the charity. What they do and give you some stats to drool over.

The Gala

What they do?

In Whatcom and Skagit Counties there is an issue with homeless people. This particular organisation aids people from the ages of 13-24. Kids who have run away from home or who find themselves homeless need assistance. The nonprofit profit tries to get these broken home individuals back on their feet.

Whether it’s finding a job, housing, support for LGBTQ, achieving goals, schooling, restorative justice, or even mental health issues. Northwest Youth Services is there to help.

When was it established? 1976

How many staff are working? 45

How many youths have been assisted in 2018? 1591

How many are still waiting for housing? over 100

Where can you help?

The Gala

On arrival to the gala you are greeted with two unicorns. Yes two unicorns. I failed to photograph this, but there were two humans inside these unicorns I’m certain. They couldn’t fool me! Anyway there’s champagne. A drink ticket. Wine and an auction. Not to mention games and mouth watering food. All proceeds go to the charity event. For instance you can win a trip for two to anywhere Alaska airlines flies to. You pay $25 & play a game of heads or tails. I missed out on the first round. Last year I got to the third last round and got knocked out. This year was very brief in comparison. There’s balloons well envelopes with mystery prizes. $25 to start and $200 if you’re loaded. A certain someone bought a $50 one and got a facial as the prize. I’m glad it wasn’t me. Sounds scary. Steak or chicken were the options for dinner. I got the steak, it was a little bloody, but I ate most of it. Then there’s an auction. You can bid on getaways, sports, activities, like brewing beer, and even art. Each table also gets to donate on the deserts. The highest amount per table goes first. Our table actually bid probably mid range and got a kickass Nanaimo bar. Delicious.

The night went way too quick in my opinion, but the end was pretty special. The amount of donations was enormous from individuals, Birch Equipment, BP, IMCO, ICU, People’s Bank, Rice Insurance, PeaceHealth, Lynden Print Co, Trans Ocean Products, SPIE, Bellingham Cold Storage, Heritage Bank, Pride Foundation, Dawson, and Skagit Regional Health. The approximate total was $180, 000! From one night alone! Huge.

The donaters! All our table donated that night.