D82 – The Karaoke, the creepo, and Batman’s nemesis
When ride sharing, some moments can be glorious, yet some can be absolutely awful. Some can also be quite confusing. Like my first customer. An African American who works for one of the oil and gas refinerys in the county. … Continued
D81. The Prosthetics Worker, the Diplomats Daughter, and the Egyptian. Oh yeah and it’s Halloween.
The night of the living dead began with a man who makes wooden legs for a living. Ok they’re plastic. A few months ago I actually drove around his boss/CEO. I obviously told him that I drove her around and … Continued
Deighty – Day 80. Wooden teeth, the cemetery, and the hitchhiker.
80 days what a ride! Will I get to 100? If I do I’ll probably put streamers in my car and party poppers. Did I find myself driving people around? Perhaps. In a foreign land you can lose your identity. … Continued
Day 79 – Blackberry Birch Beer idea, the glue man, and the Scots!
First passenger was a pharmacy assistant heading to work. We discussed the cost of living in Bellingham. It’s apparently the 3rd most expensive location to live in the state. Following Seattle and possibly Tacoma. It’s honestly cheaper than San Diego, … Continued
78th day – The journo, the musician, and the professor
Moody Monday’s started with my phone resetting it’s service. Buggering up my apps. It was slow and a grind at first. I forgot when my phone bill is paid it resets everything and requires a restart. But then finally a … Continued
Day 77 – Scare ’em! The Freeloader, a wolf, and Abel Tasman
Fruitful Fridays began with me wearing a troll mask I picked up for $6.99 at Value Village. Tonight, I became the Candy Troll! My first passengers were at the RV park dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and a witch. … Continued
The 76th Day – The connection to Norah Jones, Allison Krauss, and Mad Max. With Kangaroos in Wyoming and other fun Tales.
My day started with the call I’ve been waiting for. A company that wants to hire me for my archaeology experience. I’ll find out more later, but as far as I know my uber and Lyft days might just become … Continued
75, the day that was – The CEO, A lady from Mini Soda, and a guy called Nasty
Driving south, the Pacific Northwest was putting on a show. The sun was beaming down through the trees, leaves were falling slowly, to the point where gravity didn’t exist. It’s as though the leaves were suspended above my head, tumbling … Continued
Day 74 – Two Usual Suspects, the Microsoft Executive, and the Chicago Speeder
It took me a while to leave the house. A lingering cold is the worst. It just won’t go away. Soon it’ll be long gone. I tried very hard not to cough or sneeze in my car, especially when there … Continued
The 73rd Day – Fruitful Fridays, the million dollar idea, the devoured meal, and the Christian scientist healer.
I do apologise to my readers. I have been rather sick lately. I haven’t felt well enough to write or delve into the depths of my experiences on the recent fruitful Friday. It was indeed a whopper. It had so … Continued