Racism Venting and Day 28

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My first passenger, well what can I say? She was racist. She was catching a plane in the afternoon from Vancouver to Shanghai. I won’t go into too much detail about her stupid self, but just that she was a racist.

When I get racist customers in my car I often think what is the best way to approach the situation? In an ideal world, in my brain anyway, I think of a James Bond style ejector seat. It’s disgusting. Racism is a disease that filters down from parents and people of influence to finally an individual. This one particular lady said there’s too many black people in America and they’re dangerous. I said um white people shoot people all the time. So do Asians. She said “ah yes white people in America very dangerous.” I still sat driving, thinking keep digging that hole. She wasn’t the first racist person I’ve had in my car. I’m not going to mention backgrounds or ethnicities here because it’s been all races that have been racist in my bloody car. It’s the weirdest thing. Why are people so.candid with me? These kind of racist opinions should not be voiced to anyone. It shouldn’t even be thought about. The media doesn’t help with racism at all. Often a news reporter will say today a [insert ethnicity here] shot up a country music festival or [insert ethnicities here] raped and murdered a women in Central Park. Why don’t they say a person did horrific crime to [these names of people]? Many people have said the US president is racist. However the media is racist too. Not to mention some people’s ideals and morals can be ethnocentric.

Gone are the days of colonialism or should I say invasion. Inclusive action is now. I am a strong believer of not judging a book by its cover or jumping to conclusions too fast, unless it’s bloody weird. I remember Comcast man entered my house to fix the internet once and he was in favour of a wall, because an illegal immigrant, shot and killed his uncle back in the 90s. I said to him, a citizen could have done that too you know.

People must think I’m not going to respond to such comments. I do and in some cases a debate sparks, in other cases nothing is said afterwards. In the long run the key is education. Teach a child how to be a good person. Introduce them to culture. If they ask why another person is different to them. Tell them.

Having an understanding of culture and having an appreciation for different people is worth more than hatred, violence or racial discrimination. I learned a lot from reading, studying archaeology, visiting different countries and talking with my elders. When I was 4 years old I went to Fiji with my mum and dad. That was probably my first international cultural experience. I remember drums, fire walking, grass skirts and giant crabs oh and the word Bula. I have vague memories of freaking out when my parents weren’t there and the babysitter had to come and find my parents at a restaurant. Long story short I still remember bits and pieces from that trip, but what I remember most is that the Fijian culture was uniquely different to what I was observing and experiencing growing up. It possibly helped my views on the world.

My next customer wanted a lift to the border. Sure I’ll take it. Easy $50. She went to Vegas and had a blast. I told her of my Vegas exploits including my old mate Ed’s idea to go the Wet Republic. She chimed in and said she spent a load of money on a cabana. I responded my dear mate Zach threw some money at that and we had a blast.

This lady mentioned about the healthcare issue in the USA and that it can cost up to $10,000 to have a baby. I was shocked. Is that with or without insurance? I’m going to Australia to have babies.

This is a 40 minute drive we talked a lot. When we hit Lynden she told me about corn wars. Yes that’s right. Farmers growing crappy corn to counter the neighbors well established corn crop. Wow. Vindictive. Must be a Canadian thing. She said round up was a common issue that pops up and that her family tries to not use it. Australia banned roundup a few years ago. Must be a reason why they did it.

I found out that my passenger was allergic to the sun. Just like Bonnie. Crazy. Must be Pacific Northwest thing. She lives in Chilliwack. Yes sounds cold over there in British Columbia.

My final passenger was all the way down near Western Washington University. I wanted another passenger from the airport, but after giving up I did a lap of Bellingham. Then ping! About bloody time. Mondays! Seriously. Didn’t think Mondays would be so slow, but they are and I get it. To top it off my new passenger didn’t hear me when he sat in my car. I said G’day how’s it going? Silence. Okay awkward. He had earphones in. Ahhhhhh right probably listening to that new techno that’s going around. I’m there rocking out to Phil Collins, then his phone rang. It’s his father. About dropping off a key. Then I noticed he finished his convo and had an ear free. Mate there’s water and Nerds back there if you want them. Oh thanks. Boom an in! He’s a construction worker and knew what an archaeologist was. Then he mentioned mammoth. Okay maybe not…

After dropping him off I went and got a haircut at Sports Clips. They cut my hair too short now I’m bald. Okay no just my ears are sticking out gloriously. It’s the one thing that my eyes go to after my hair is cut, especially when it’s too bloody short.

After I sheepishly left the Barber of Fleet Street, it was time to go home.

Till tomorrow.