The 100th Day – Yep it’s a Monday. The Guns to Mexico, some Aussie slang, and Vietnamese who cook’s Chinese food.

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My hundredth day of ubering. Crikey look at that! Statistics post yet to come. In my final day for 2019. 101 days of ubering and lyfting. Anyway my day started with a bloke who works in a Chinese restaurant. He is not Chinese, but indeed Vietnamese. We chatted about the main sites including Ho Chi Minh City, the Cu Chi Tunnels, Cao Dai Temple, and of course the mighty Mekong River. My rider had been to most of these places including me, however Halong Bay is a place that both of us want to go to. It appeared in a James Bond film and has been in such shows as Top Gear and various tourism programs. An archipelago in the northern part of Vietnam. It has certainly seen history. My father has been there and has many photos from the area.

We parted ways at his work and moved on the airport where I got nothing, until a lady in an apartment complex needed a trip to Village Books in Fairdinkumhaven. She had two kids with her, who decided to munch on the sweets in the back seat. We got onto the topic of Aussie slang. G’day mate, hoo roo, fair dinkum, bloke, Sheila, Ute, arvo, strewth, crikey, larrikan, yobbo, bogan, nong, flat out, sickie, stickey beak, and chuck a wobbly are all in her vocabulary now. You’re very welcome unsuspecting customer. I hope these stick. I have used as many as I can with my customers. They never know what’s going to hit them. KABOOM AUSSIE SLANG!

Next customers were off to see the new Star Wars flick. They highly recommended the Mandalorian, which I haven’t seen yet but keen to. They were in town from Alaska. Long way to go for a movie.

Once they had disembarked I went to pick up a cleaner who works at the Oxford Suites. She was going Christmas shopping for her family. Then I went to get fuel for my car and subsequently hurt my blasted finger. Tempted to sue Fredrick Meyer because it was clearly their fault. No actually it was my fault. Moving on.

A lady who works at an old folks home. She didn’t know of any cool old people in the facility. Shame because they have great stories to tell. She said there some, but she couldn’t remember them. After I dropped her off I got a group of ladies who were at goodwill. They wanted to travel to Hawaii, San Diego, and Australia. I filled them in with all the info I knew.

Now for my next customer a Mexican man from central Mexico. He moved to the states as a young boy. His father worked for the government and told him stories of gun running and drugs being forced upon the Mexican people. Gun laws are apparent in Mexico and are stricter than the USA. He told me that most firearms that get into Mexico are from the USA. Yikes! Not what I expected, it is also a problem in Canada. American guns sold on the black market to gangs.

Well America what do you have to say for yourself? Australia on the other hand is an island and illegal guns come from the ocean smugglers, dodgy shipping containers, and post. It’s just not as common as other parts of the world.

Lyft 2 rides and 6 Trips uber. Next is New Year’s Eve. The day before 2020. Stats to come for my 101 days of ride sharing.