After losing my hubcap about a week ago I found a set of four new ones for $32. Unfortunately I couldn’t just buy the one that matched the three I already had. As a throw away society I attempted to find a brand new set instead. I attached them and they were ready for a new week. Now my first passenger was at a set of apartments near Grocery Outlet. She was cleaning her room with her husband. She told me they stay indoors a lot. The conversation unfortunately went to a dark place after that. Her neighbour, her mate died recently and was concerned that the new tenant would be unbearable. I tried to tell her, maybe her new wall buddy might be a good person. You don’t know who you’re going to get? Sorry for the somewhat Forest Gumpesk quote. It’s kinda true, but people can be nice as pie one day and be total ass holes the next. I dropped her off at a local clinic, when ping!
A student studying computer science. He was in his first year of university and couldn’t work out why he had to do a subject in the science field like biology or geology. “Look mate, you can get a lot of information that can funnily enough transfer into anything. It’s all about fundamentals”. My passenger was perplexed by this statement of mine. “What’s a computer chip made out of?” I asked. “Silicon, ooooh”. The rider started to think outside of the box more after that. It even made me go on a huge story about how everything is connected in some way or form. Without geology, you can’t have biology, without chemistry you can’t have physics and so on and so forth. I even used archaeology as an example. We can mould our future by analysing our past. To be honest I think inspired the man.
Driving back into Bellingham I spied a hubcap. It wasn’t my one I had lost a week ago, but it was from a Nissan. Ping! Oh who do we have here? A bloke called Joey. He told me in Europe all the Aussies he encountered explained that he was a baby marsupial. I reassured him and said I have an aunt called Joey, short for Joanne. We conversed about how cool rugby is and how nfl is much slower, yet still entertaining to watch. There was still snow around, but not as bad as the previous Friday. He was from Montana and he said that there were no snow days there at all. They would just make snow tunnels between the buildings. Like an igloo. My passenger also told me about his father who would shovel snow in his shorts to just freak his neighbours out at -42Β°F temperatures. Wow that’s game! No thank you!
Following on from the Montana bloke, I picked up a lady in Fairdinkumhaven. She was in town to determine the best action to remove a cataract. She seemed too young to have cataracts in my opinion. As I was driving to her appointment on the freeway I noticed a hubcap roll in front of me and back spinned behind me. “Blast! That’s my new hubcap!” It literally rolled perfectly between the traffic and ended up on the right hand side of the road. The passenger in the lane to the left of me, watched it roll away with the most serious look on his face, it’s like he was offended by my misfortune. Mate me too. I told my passenger all about my hubcap situation and she apologised for my predicament. Then, I turned and said “look it’s fine, I’ll send them back”. Me thinking crap, this lady is going to have surgery on her eyeball and she’s a full time nurse. A hubcap is aesthetic. You need an eye to see and function.
Next rider was a butcher. Meat all day every day. With a student who is studying philosophy. I asked him what he wanted to do when he was done and he wasn’t sure. The kid already has a house though thanks to his parents. Wow lucky duck! Yes he owns his house thanks to his rich parents.
More students and the lady with the cataract issue requested me. She wanted me to take her to the station from Bob’s Burgers and Brews. Turns out she was ill informed of where to see her eye specialist. Oh Dear! Stanwood not Bellingham. The great American health system strikes again. Her appointment was an hour south. Now she is catching a train to Stanwood and staying the night in a hotel, so she won’t miss her appointment. Bloody hell! How frustrating! We then somehow got onto the topic of the bikini baristas in Washington and how they’re not in Australia because we have beaches for bikinis. I told her that my former colleagues and I were going to make one for women. Us blokes in skimpy outfits, then she interjected. “There’s already one in Seattle called DreamBoyz”. Apparently women can now ogle men whilst they get their coffee made for them. π€£π
7 Trips Uber, 3 rides Lyft. Not a bad day. Next is a story about a passenger who was a Somali refugee.