The 112th Day – The Harlem Funk Musician, A New Uber Passenger, and a Door Basher

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The start of this not so fruitful Friday begun with a bloke from Alcoa. An aluminium refinery. I found out from this passenger that much of the aluminium that they refine comes from Australia. Well then, must be top notch stuff then. So you can thank us Aussies for getting all the Bauxite you need to make your tinfoil hats. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

Next passenger was a Funk musician called Mingus. He was in town from Harlem looking at performance options. We spoke at length about his music and how he’s getting a website soon. Additionally he also talked about the world famous Harlem Globetrotters. It’s something I’ve always wanted to see ever I since I saw videos and cartoons depicting the famous basketball act. One day I’ll see them.

After dropping off Mingus I got a retired couple who needed a lift into town. It was their first ever uber ride and gave me a good review on the app. One was a mathematician and the other was a former owner of an art gallery. We discussed ridesharing and archaeology. Unfortunately the trip was too short to discuss the art gallery or mathematics.

Another wonderful compliment.

My next passenger was studying web design and anthropology. An interesting mix, but I guess they were keeping their options open. I dropped this rider off at the airport. I decided to wait at the hotel, where a lady opened their door and subsequently hit mine in the process. Bang! She didn’t even bat an eyelid. I opened my window and said “Did you just my door?” The young lady was startled and wasn’t aware I was sitting in my car. “Oh I’m so sorry!” She Exclaimed. “Did it leave a mark?” I asked, “Oh no definitely not” she replied. “Okay good.” She walked away to the hotel, I got out to see the damage. She was right, no mark at all. Good! People can be so oblivious and careless. The audacity!

My final ride of the day was an old fellow who lives on a boat. He was off to see H&R Block to figure out if he’d get a return. The old gentleman had a walking frame for his dickey leg. He wanted my number for future trips. My rider went to tip me in the app and Lyft wouldn’t let him. He didn’t have cash on him, so the app was the way to go. Lyft kept giving a notice saying “Sorry we can’t tip your driver at this time”. I wondered how often this has happened? I mean how much money have I missed out on due to technical glitches? The man was very keen on tipping me and eventually after the third try he managed to pay me. How frustrating! I got out of the car, got his walker and opened the door for the chap. He thanked me and we went our separate ways.

Three trips uber and two trips Lyft. Next up a spectacular Saturday!