The 115th Day – Green Diesel, A Canadian Businessman, and my new mate the Gambler

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As the world started to understand what the Coronavirus was all about. I was doing my online training for Expedia. While I did this i kept Uber and Lyft on in the background. Sure enough I got business. Three big trips and two medium trips. All with a whopping pay out. It’s like I was rewarded for staying at home and trying to study. First customer was a bloke who works at the BP refinery. He wanted to go to Bob’s Burgers and Brews from his house, literally five minutes away from home. Sweet. He told me that usually a lady works in this area and one other old guy. Sounds like these two have a monopoly. Time to shake up Blaine a bit more. We discussed the new green energy that BP was Marketing including green diesel. The word diesel doesn’t sound green to me at all! Essentially it is recycled vegetable oils that lower emissions. Wow who knew? Below here’s what BP is doing:

BPs renewable energy research

My next customer was a Canadian whom I had picked up before. Him and his wife lived in Australia for a few years in Gympie, QLD. The bloke was looking at buying out a hard hat business in New Zealand. He buys companies, makes them better and resells them at a profit. Fair dinkum that’s a bloody good. Personally I would love someone to buy my business from me and give me a profit that would be fantastic. I drove these two down south to a fancy restaurant in Bellingham, which I did.

I drove back home and kept studying for a while, when the Gambler contacted me. I went a d picked him up and dropped him off at the casino. He told me about how good Hawaii is for New Years Eve. All the islands are allowed to set off fireworks. He highly recommended it for New years. Again my new mate paid me a stupid amount of money. I was very thankful. I went to go home, when the refinery worker needed a pickup. We talked about Australia and how he had an Aussie exchange student growing up in his house. His guest loved vegemite and played soccer. My passenger made it very clear that he hates vegemite. I tried to convince him he .at have had incorrectly, but he was very adamant he had tried it twice on two separate occasions and still hated it. Oh well more for me. After dropping him of my gambling mate had lost a load of money, but still paid me handsomely.

3 trips uber 2 rides Lyft. Another fruitful Friday is next.