The 19th Day. Day 19.

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The day that I met another Aussie. In fact I met him at the end of my day.

First passenger was Nate. Him and his wife had to go Lynden to a storage facility. My gosh. Lynden is deep. It’s out there. Unfortunately the Uber app glitched and still doesn’t know where road closures are. It also placed me 4 miles away from their destination. I went to Google maps to find where they needed to go. Once arriving I rang Uber and they said this glitch happens all the time. I reported the road closure issue and how Uber took me down a one way street yesterday. I thought I was going to be ripped off for the 4 mile issue. I wasn’t. In fact uber put me at 15.71 miles, whereas 14 miles was the correct distance. Not disputing that at all.

Went to fill up. As I filled up ping. Couldn’t get to my phone quick enough. Another customer goes begging. Stone the flaming crows! Least my fuel was cheap.

Made my way back to the airport and got a short trip, which means I don’t lose my spot in the airport queue, which I obviously took advantage of. The short trip was Aaron, he was returning from Las Vegas. Lucky bugger. Such a fun place. His wife and kid sat in the back and helped themselves to my sweets and water. The kid wasn’t allowed to eat anymore because he’d get hypo. It didn’t bother me the slightest.

I dropped them off and the kid in his hypo state decided to leave his hat behind, luckily I caught this before I drove away. I sensed there was something not right in my backseat and sure enough a hat was sitting on the middle armrest. Yelling to Aaron, mate I believe this is yours! Thank you so much was the response. $5 tip was my result. Always check your car for goodies before you leave your customer at their destination.

Next was another long trip back to Lynden from the airport. Sweet. They flew in from Vegas too. We had a lot to discuss including the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam and immigration. I noticed they had beautiful sun flowers growing in their yard. Got a fantastic tip as a result. Cheers.

As I made way back from Lynden I got a ping from Uber eats. Oh no it’s not promotional! Must remember to turn that off. Pho Bubba Tea. Hmmm Bubble tea? Anyway picked up the order and dropped it off to Matt. He opened the door and his voice was very deep for his stature. Kinda shocked me.

This fellow lived in an apartment complex that had no character. Buildings all looked the same and prior to knocking on his door number 103 was on three different doors all within walking distance to each other. The key was there was an additional number on the main building itself. If I hadn’t noticed that I might have knocked on the wrong door and given some random Vietnamese takeaway. Dodge a bullet there. Good job archaeology trained me to observe all the diagnostic features required for such an important task. Delivering food to deep voice Matt.

Got back in my car and crap forgot to turn off Uber Eats. Ellie. She wanted healthy food. Can’t recall the name of the joint, but it it definitely oozed healthy. Food I should probably eat, but honestly don’t and is probably so fresh it might still have Wildlife lurking in the midst of the foliage. Reminds me of my college food days. Might have a salad, oh that’s a green tree frog. Think I should set it free outside before I eat him. Lady next to me, yuck there’s a slug in my lettuce. 2 minute noodles would make any college food night better. Cheap and quick.

After dropping off the healthy food I turned off Uber eats. Then something strange happened. Normally a busy time, became super quiet. My brain decided to wonder if it was a conspiracy. If you turn it off you get no one! I waited until the promotional option came back. Then within a minute of selecting Uber eats again, ping! Interesting. What a bloody coincidence! A new rider. Christine. She got a $10,000 promotion, lucky bugger. We talked about Uber and how you have some characters show up. Then something interesting happened, she said another Uber driver she drove with had a Google executive in their car and they said do you know why the app sometimes end up taking you to weird places?

Apparently it has something to do with the location of where the utilities are situated on the property. If they are on the side, rear or front of the property the app will take you to wherever they’re located. In Washington it’s not always at the front, sometimes it might be elsewhere. In other states it’s usually at the front and the algorithm works perfectly for that. In Washington state there’s no law as to where utilities are placed. Who knew? Well I know now. In future I’ll be careful to figure out this glitch ahead of time if I can. Also the algorithm is hard to fix. So don’t get mad at an Uber driver if he takes you behind your house or to the side of it. There’s probably a valid reason.

Some guy honked at me at the light when it had just turned green. Come on! Felt like I was on a game show. Once the green light shines you need to push the button. Bugger off dude. If I was asleep at the wheel I would understand. Quickest honker in the west goes the truck in the rear.

Finally I picked up Chris. He was born in Subiaco, Perth. I thought his American accent was weird. He told me he had been living here since he was a kid and when he turned 18 the Australian government asked him if he wanted to keep his citizenship. This shocked me. He was born there, has an Aussie mum and an American dad. Crazy. I’m sure he can get it back if he wants, but Seriously why would the government even care? I need to look into this. I don’t want to lose my Australian citizenship. It’s who I am! It might because he lived in the USA before he turned 18. I have already paid taxes to the commonwealth. Still curious about it.

Anyway that’s a wrap. Not a rap. Just a wrapper, lollie wrappers left behind by selfish customers. If you eat you need to dispose of it. Yes I provide, but take it with you. I’m not ya mum or dad or whomever cleans up after you. Seriously was that there since the kid was there? Come on people. Where’s the dignity?

The end…for now. Tomorrow is a new day. Novus diem. Not nervous dame.