The 26th Day

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After a much better Wednesday, my Thursday was pretty good too. My first passenger was Natasha, she works at a coffee shop near the hospital. I said in Australia our coffee tastes different to American coffee. We’re extremely snobby when it comes to coffee. Not sure when that happened, but the transition from tea to coffee must’ve happened when the European immigrants came over. I’m not entirely sure, but the quality is crazily different. I’m not sure what it is. I personally am a tea drinker and have never liked coffee unless it was full of sugar. There’s only one coffee chain I like to this day and that is Zarraffas in QLD. It’s awesome. Starbucks never really had a foothold in Australia because the local coffee shops were better than a chain. Do you want to support your friendly neighborhood barista or go for a chain? Support local businesses or a global corporation? Starbucks is located in specific tourist areas in Australia but not in the main areas where locals hang out.

Then there was Timmy. He was off the Democratic Republic. I said are you serious? I literally had a guy in my two weeks ago who was heading over there. Now this Timmy was assisting with water purification. Sounded like a rewarding job to be honest.

Next I had Alyssa who was from Orcas Island. I said do you know Chris Pratt or Oprah Winfrey? She said no, but she knew they were living out there. I was taking her to the DMV. Ahhhhhh yes the DMV. Department of Moronic Vipers. Okay Department of Motor Vehicles. Good luck with that slow place.

Next was Kenneth a native man married to a Canadian, who’s currently sueing the Canadian government for not recognizing his Cheyenne River Sioux background. I told him I was an archaeologist and that I hope he wins his case.

After dropping Ken off there was Jen who had a baby. I tried to assist, but she didn’t need me at all. To be honest I really have no experience with baby carriers at all. I think I’d be pretty lost. I can pretend to hurt myself and be a clown and teach a baby not to be too vindictive and teach the baby about morals. Anything else I would be learning as I go. Jen took a water. Nice one.

Then there was Cindy. She wouldn’t shut up. Just kidding she didn’t talk to me at all.

Next I had a minister and his wife who went to get there eyes stabbed to remedy their macular degeneration. Ouch. Sounded horrifying. No thanks. Then they said better that than not being able to see. Ah yeah very true.

Then there was Malik. He was getting a hair cut at a barber shop. His hair was shorter than mine. Every 3 weeks he goes. Crazy. I go every 2 months sometimes 3. He was a chef and hated the food on the west coast. He was from.the east coast and preferred the food there. He said the people in Whatcom County are all the same. Whatever dude you’re being extremely general here.

After I dropped him off. I was done. I had an oil change to do with my good mate Ari and then meet with an archaeologist about a thing.

This completes day 26.