The 87th Day – Misha Collins in town (from Supernatural), T Mobile, and an Egyptologist in the making

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Driving into Bellingham it’s a Tuesday, because Monday I decided to clean the house. The day is sunny, with trees looking skeletal from corner to corner. Inconsiderate pedestrians cross when they feel like it. It’s a tasty Tuesday. Birds flying and crapping somewhere on someone’s head. My first customer of the day was a bloke heading to work. He works at American Eagle. “What on earth is that?” I asked. “Sounds patriotic and do they sell eagles?” “It’s a clothing store, we sell everything for all sizes”. “Ha well could have fooled me”. I replied. The incredible thing about America’s national animal is the high esteem it has over any other animal. It’s illegal to kill it, eat it, even own a feather of it, and you can’t build anything near an Eagles nest in California. It needs a 1 mile buffer to roost. In Australia we eat, cull both our national animals, we even sell kangaroo testes attached to a bottle opener. Do we respect our national animals? I mean kind of. Oh yeah you can buy kangaroo leather products also. Both emus and kangaroos have a strange inability to move backwards. I think that’s why both animals were used as national animals. “Australia always moving forward, unless it’s immigration or the environment, then we might go a little backwards and to the side”. Also a kangaroo can probably deck you and an emu will definitely peck your eyes out. Both animals have hurt me in some way shame or form. The kangaroo was my most dramatic car accident I’ve ever had, whereas an emu has pecked my hand whilst feeding it. Pretty sure an American hasn’t had an eagle attack them. Please comment on this post if you have. In 2015 I learned how to make an emu come to you in the Cooper Basin. It was an old Aboriginal hunting technique. The emus were 300 metres away and I did a dance which made three emus get within 4 metres of our position. It was the craziest and weirdest thing I’ve ever done, yet made me feel cool.

Next customer was a shiela from the UK, who is studying Egyptology in Canada. She was in Fairdinkumhaven to get a book signed by American actor Misha Collins. He plays an angel in the TV show Supernatural. The book was being presented at Village Books. According to my rider he grew up poor and had to come up with inexpensive ways to cook what was in the pantry. The book him and his wife wrote was this cook book on how to create recipes from pretty much nothing. I was tempted to show up, but you needed tickets. Honestly the book sounds great. I love cheap and easy ways to prepare food.

I dropped her off at her hotel. Wished her all the best. The a bloke who works as a marketing manager at Whole Foods. In town for a meeting. A whirlwind trip for the man. He told me that Whole Foods are also in Canada.

Next was a fellow who works at Little Caesers he is studying cyber security and wants to work for an intelligence agency. Hmmm… he didn’t say which one. I told him about my potential job as a spook. It was a weird time in my life. I applied as a joke, then got an interview. Oh boy. I made an excuse not to go the interview, then I asled my neighbor about it who was a cop at the time. He told me all the gory details. They then contacted me again to try and reschedule. I was doing fieldwork at the time for a new archaeology company in Australia. A chap who I put in a good word for, with a company I could have worked for full time, but of course I went a different pathway instead and ended up working for a different company instead.

Then a discussion about politics arose with a T Mobile employee. We were both in agreement about how the current presi is a twat. He was using uber instead of driving his vehicle. The reason was he T boned a car after another car waved him through. Yes someone from T Mobile T Boned a car.

Short day here but 2 trips uber 3 trips Lyft.