The 91th Day – A Croatian, the waver, and the mechanic

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I was greeted in town by a person on the side of the road. Waving to random people. No signs, no political BS, no nothing. Just a lady waving intently at vehicles on the side of the road. Her arm must be tired, but it was a kind gesture for a Monday.

My first customer. Was an English teacher. She is also a part time comedian on YouTube called Sue Mattison and Friends. After the ride I simply couldn’t find her comedy show. I’m disappointed by this, because I wanted to see her material. She didn’t seem that humorous when she was in my car, but not many people are when you first meet them. It’s all about comfort.

Next customer was a Croatian in town doing a talk on cancer. He said “if you get to the age of 95 without it, you’re doing well for yourself”. We discussed his country of origin and coming to America. He said “people from India have to wait 6 years and give out of maybe 500,000 per year for their green card and they have over a billion people, whereas the green cards for Croatia are 45,000 / year and there’s only 4.5 million people. They should be evenly distributed”. I understood where he was coming from. Country caps are a pain. However after further inspection only 64,000 Indians were granted green cards in the year of 2016. What I found intriguing is there are 306,000 Indians waiting for green cards as of May 2018, 67,000 from China, and only 700 from Mexico.

Indian Nationals Say the Green Card Backlog Is Unfair. Silicon Valley’s Plan to Fix It Could Be Too.

Here’s a link on green card backlogs

Here’s another link on green cards given

I wonder how many Australian nationals are waiting for there’s? I couldn’t find any data on it. Although when it comes to the crunch if there’s only a few Croatians getting Green Cards, and there’s left overs shouldn’t it go to the people who are waiting the longest? I dropped him off at the Hotel Bellwether.

Next passenger was a bloke with ear problems from work. He works at the BP refinery. He is being compensated, but still has his job.

I dropped him off at his destination. I took a swig of water and placed next to me on my seat when it fell behind my rear slightly. The button on the lid pushed open and water cascaded down my pants. Magically the water went into a gap that gave me a rather cold shock. I obviously picked up the water bottle and moved it to my lunch bag after that. Laughing at what just happened I got another ping. It was a bloke who I’d picked up once before. The Cowboys supporter who did interior work on planes.

I dropped him off at a house this time. My next passenger was a car mechanic, who claimed that one of his customers put water in their transmission. The customer refused to take responsibility for this action. Geeze even I know not to do that! The bloke tried to blame the mechanic for doing this, but they have video footage of all works conducted on people’s cars for them to watch. This is actually a good idea, because you’re trusting them with your vehicle at all times they have it.

Then finally my last passengers were auditors off to dinner. One told me about a tv show called 90 day fiancee! I was disgusted by this money making show. People apparently from other countries have to get a K1 visa, go on TV and get married before 90 days are up. This is appalling! Is it even love? People try getting married to better their loves so they’re not apart from their loved ones or maybe they’re escaping a troubled life. Don’t make a tacky TV show about it. I was angry at this and I decided my day was done after I plonked them off at a brewery in town.

3 trips uber 4 rides Lyft. Fruitful Fridays is next. Three of the days I was in the field.