As the weeks progressed, I longed for normality and yearned to get back into Archaeology. No one was hiring, except the National Guard. I had applied and did a test I got 87/99. I could probably do anything, but I honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted to go down that road. The military was always a last resort for me. Archaeologist foremost and anything else after. I chose ride sharing and food delivery to just get by until I found something more permanent. Yes covid19 was an excuse everyone was using to not hire anyone. I was getting impatient. My thoughts at the time were bugger it I’ll apply for everything in Australia and the USA and whichever country gets me first wins. Obviously America was the preferred place of living, after 4 years of rollercoaster situations. I wrestled with my thoughts daily and eventually two jobs in Australia were posted. So I thought I had better apply.
My Monday was pretty mundane. You feel like a robot picking up food and delivering it. Simple tasks apparently expand the brain capacity for other things. Oh boy was I thinking. Sorry no source for this, but for me it works. Mindless tasks always lead to a fresh view on things for me anyway.
Indian food was somewhat popular today, I’m not sure why? Additionally I was getting progressively more irritated by the dispatcher for sending me on covid19 cash runs. Food orders where the customer pays with cash. I immediately put a stop to it by saying “I really don’t want take cash orders anymore”. They understood for about a day and forgot.
More covid cash orders. “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to do cash orders?” I thought to myself. I wrote no cash to the dispatcher and he said “thanks for not being a dick about it”. Honestly I was about ready to lose it because Monday and Tuesday was just cash orders. It doesn’t reflect nicely in the app and it was harder to keep track of.
I was getting ready to deliver some Mexican food when I heard behind me in a British accent. “Can I trouble you for the time sir?” I looked and was the brit that I encountered in Blaine, half an hour north. Gee this guy gets around and he’s near Mexican food most of the time. “Quarter to one mate”. I replied. “Thank you, the day is getting on isn’t it?” “Yes it is”. I said. He didn’t chat to me for very long this time, but yes I may thought he was loopy, but he was very polite and that is certainly missing in a pandemic. He never asked me for food and I wondered what if this toothless chap was a secret millionaire. He doesn’t need money, he just craves conversation. I thought it I myself became rich I might have to donate to some of these people. Yes some steal, some are on drugs, but some are mentally handicapped and cannot get ahead. Society turns it’s back on the needy. Essentially kicks them to the kerb. Some live a simple life and shopping trolleys are the ferraris of the homeless. They end up carrying your life until eventually you kick the bucket.
Free gloves Friday was fruitful. Yes most establishments in this pandemic have gloves for the food delivery people. How thoughtful. Viking had also ordered masks with reusable filters which were set to become available the following week. By the way if you ever decide to deliver food. Make sure you don’t put it directly in front of a person’s door. Why? If the door opens out they cannot get out to pick up their food. I watched this happen as I was leaving someone’s house. The door was slowly pushing their meal out of the way. I immediately got out and rectified this issue. They thanked me and I went on my way.
Thanks all for reading this. I have three more posts to add for my viking foods experience.
Next time six milkshakes and the resident above the shop.