Viking Week 3 – The Cat on the Mat, The Murder Tavern, and a $100 tip?

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The Monday began with brekky orders in Bellingham. Restaurants like the Birch Door, the Daisy Cafe, Tadeos were popular. One of my first orders had be deliver a Mexican burrito in southern Bellingham. I grabbed the bag, the beverages and waltzed up to the door. A cat was waiting for me. It stared at me and I knocked at the door. I thought I had better wait and keep holding the food, because this cat was very keen on the bag of food I was holding. The door opened and the cat walked in. I said to the customers “Oh sorry I thought I’d better keep the food out of the way of the cat, because it was tempted by the food, looks like a nice cat you have there”. As I said that the cat waltzed inside the customers home and meowed. “That’s not my cat” he responded. “Oh well it looks like it is now” I said. “Yeah I guess so”. “See you later mate, I got many orders to fill, enjoy the food and now the cat. The Monday wasn’t too eventful after that. Just delivering food and listening to audio books. I didn’t bother to turn on the other apps this week to minimise the risk of getting the dread covid19. I did have an old N95 mask from the garage I could use.


Tuesdays very good for Mexican food. In fact due taco Tuesday it is the best day for Mexican food. It can also be Thai Tuesday. I stopped at On Rice to pick up two deliveries and the lady that was moving the food up to me knew my accent. She had that Phaic Tan on her and it didn’t look great at all. She has mates in Australia, but hasn’t ever been. One day lady, one day you’ll get there and have a prawn on the barbie, kick a footy through the sticks.


The Wednesday was fairly busy. I even went to the Waterfront Tavern on Holly. Famous for frequent visits from various serial killers. You had Ted Bundy, the Hillside Stangler and the DC Sniper all hang out this place. It looks like a regular tavern on the water, but it does have a weird feeling about it. I didn’t go in to collect the food, there is a window on the side of the building where the owner hands me the food. Knowing what this place was, was surreal and somewhat sickening. It is also a bikey hang out for people on their way to south from Vancouver or people heading north from Seattle. Organised crime, drug running and have been happening here for yonks. You can’t help but imagine the deal drops, drug deals, and human trafficking incidents that would frequent this place, not to mention the deadly thoughts that crossed various peoples minds in the tavern. It’s part of Bellingham’s history, perhaps not their proudest ones.

The Waterfront Tavern in all it’s glory!


I did a shift in the north towards the end of the day after working in Bham. I was delivering Bob’s Burgers and Brews at a trailer park. I went to knock on the door and the occupant scared the living daylights out of me! She opened the door just as I was about to knock! “Holy Shit!” I yelled. She apologiesd but was really keen on her food, she apparently heard me drive up.


After a full on week of picking up, dropping off, it can be extremely tedious. Although the tips make it all worth it. I went to go pick up a burrito, which usually costs about $10 at this one joint in Bham. Anyway I looked at the order and saw the tip was $100! I stupidly queried it with my superiors and they said it was a mistake. I ended up getting a $2 tip instead. Better than nothing, but that’s what happens when you’re honest. I went down south to pick up some Chinese food and as I waltzed up to the door of the restaurant an old fella complimented me on my Australian hat. He asked me all about it and I noticed he was wearing leather hat also, except it was cattle hide instead of roo leather. I made sure he knew where to buy the hat, just in case he can’t get a hold of it. It reminded me of that gambler that bought me one and thought that is a very niche industry that could be tapped into in the USA. Ssshhh don’t tell anyone though!

One last comment for the week when you’re delivering food make sure you wear some good runners. I found myself climbing several flights of stairs a day. It’s certainly more cardio though picking up and dropping off passengers. The only downfall is the stop start action and the overwhelming smell of the food. You have to bring a big lunch or dinner or both, to get rid of any hunger pains from the delicious food sitting right next to you. Yelling at your nostrils saying “EAT ME!” Next up Week 4 of Viking.